[jdf-users] [jdf] Re: JBoss Developer Framework

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Wed Nov 21 11:59:16 EST 2012

Manel Orós <manel.oros at birchmangroup.com> (unregistered) wrote, in response to VIKAS SINGH:

Hi Vikas.
>From Eclipse:

- Eclipse --> Help --> Eclipse Marketplace

- Find: "Jboss Tools" for Indigo, Helios, June or whatever you have.

- Install it.

- From Eclipse --> Window --> Preferences --> Server --> Runtime Environments --> Add --> JBoss 7.1 or so.

- From Eclipse --> Window --> Open Perspective --> JBoss.

Be sure you have JDK installed correctly.

Run Server from "play" icon from tools bar on top.

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Hi m vikas singh i need ur help pls tell me how to load j boss in eclipse

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