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Thu Apr 11 10:20:41 EDT 2013

Vineet Reynolds <vineet.reynolds at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Demetrio:

Hi Demetrio, thanks for reporting this. I'll try and address both of your problems:

1. The unsatisfied dependencies exception is not thrown when I work off the TicketMonster sources on Git. There's a difference between the source listing of SeatAllocationService here in the tutorial and on Git, since the one on the site does not list the use of EmbeddedCacheManager and JDG. I'd recommend using the Git sources for now (tags 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 should be ok), until the site is synchronized. I've raised [JDF-259](https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-259) to track this.

2. The PDF does indeed miss a few lines of the SeatAllocationService. I'd recommend sticking to the git sources of 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 (preferably) or the JDF site for now. Raised [JDF-260](https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-260) to track this.

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Demetrio wrote:

I have been followed the tutorial step by step and now I am trying to test the aplication (23.3.2 Running Arquillian tests from within Eclipse) but unfortunately I am getting the exception:
WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [EmbeddedCacheManager] with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point [[parameter 1] of [constructor] @Inject public org.jboss.jdf.example.ticketmonster.service.SeatAllocationService(EmbeddedCacheManager)].
Does anyone have some tip? Other thing which called my attention is that on topic "21.2 The Seat Allocation Service" on page 104 it is lacking some code on tutorial.

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