[jdf-users] New comment posted on deltaspike-authorization: Demonstrate the creation of a custom authorization example using @SecurityBindingType from DeltaSpike

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Mon Aug 5 12:48:39 EDT 2013

Jason Porter <lightguard.jp at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Thiago:

I'm guessing the reference to "JBoss_6.X" is JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) not JBoss AS6. If that is an incorrect guess I have to say that no one tests any of these on AS6 as it is no longer being developed, nor supported. You'd need to move to AS7, WildFly or EAP 6.

That being said, since it can't find the BeanManager, this sounds like you may be missing a beans.xml file (or it's in the wrong place. Please confirm.

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Thiago wrote:


I make the project, but while running in JBoss 6 I'm getting the error:


  Deployment "jboss-switchboard:appName=deltaspike-authorization,module=deltaspike-authorization" is missing the following dependencies:

    Dependency "java:global/cdi/deltaspike-authorization/deltaspike-authorization/BeanManager" (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "** NOT FOUND Depends on 'java:global/cdi/deltaspike-authorization/deltaspike-authorization/BeanManager' **")

  Deployment "jboss.web.deployment:war=/deltaspike-authorization" is missing the following dependencies:

    Dependency "vfs:///C:/ambiente/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core/JBoss_6.x_Runtime_Server1373296510172/deploy/deltaspike-authorization

Can you help m...

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