[jdf-users] New comment posted on helloworld-rf: Helloworld with a JSF (JavaServer Faces) Front End

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Tue Aug 27 16:47:21 EDT 2013

Fred Bulah <ccl.fredb at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi ... my name is Fred Bulah and I work for Red Hat consulting.  It seems that this quickstart is missing from the downloaded zip.  I thought I somehow missed it but I went through the zip and did not see it.  I thought it might have been misnamed "helloworld-rs" but that is a webservices quickstart.  There is a richfaces-quickstarts but it is empty.  There is also a tasks-jsf but that is a JPA/JSF demo.  Please let me know where I can find this quickstart if in fact it is not in this zip. It very well could be that I am still missing it somehow.
Fred | fbulah at redhat.com

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