[jdf-users] New comment posted on JBoss Developer Framework

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Mon Dec 2 00:03:04 EST 2013

Vineet Reynolds <vineet.reynolds at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Javier Anselmi:

Hello Javier, we'd recommend PicketLink (http://www.picketlink.org/) for this. Integration with PicketLink is scheduled to be in the future. You may find these PicketLinks quickstarts useful in helping you get started: https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-picketlink-quickstarts

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Javier Anselmi (unregistered) wrote:

          My name is Javier,Our team is developing a project with this Framework.

I've followed the steps in this tutorial and it has been really useful. However, we're having some problems implementing security (a simple log in): every tutorial i look for involves modifying a deployment xml (like web.xml or so) to permit or deny acess tu certain URIs whether the user is logged in or not. But i can't find anything of the like in ticket-monster (no web-xml or any other deployment configuration whatsoever). Do you have any suggestions (documentation, tutorials, or something that could bring light to my problem)?

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