[jdf-users] [jdf] Re: JBoss Developer Framework

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Mon Feb 4 14:13:54 EST 2013

pmuir <pmuir at redhat.com> wrote, in response to James Daniel Freitas:

Bootstrap is a great CSS framework. We also really like LESS and SASS.

Lots more info on building rich apps with JSF at http://www.jboss.org/richfaces/ - take a look at http://docs.jboss.org/richfaces/latest_4_2_X/Developer_Guide/en-US/html/chap-Developer_Guide-Getting_started_with_RichFaces.html

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James Daniel Freitas wrote:

Yes, I am looking for designing rich applications with JSF.  I have seen that TicketMonster uses Bootstrap... Is it a good option for begginers ?   Do you know other samples for begginers ? Is there other way to build rich interfaces with JSF?  Thank you!  Sorry by the late reply

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