[jdf-users] [jdf] Re: JBoss Developer Framework

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Tue Feb 19 06:13:33 EST 2013

Pete Muir <> wrote, in response to mick:

Thanks mick, I've fixed this in master, so next time we do a release you should see this fixed :-D

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mick (unregistered) wrote:

Thank you for this very instructive tutorial.

But there is a little mistake in Method "getForUsername", because
the finally block executes commit() even in the case of an exception.

Please correct this part to:

public User getForUsername(String username) {
try {
User user;
            try {
                Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select u from User u where u.username = ?");
                query.setParameter(1, username);
                user = (User) query.getSingleResult();
            } catch (NoResultException e) {
                user = null;
            return user;
 } catch (Exception e) { ...

The Method greet() should catch the Exception thrown in getForUsername:

public void greet() {
try { 

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