[jdf-users] [jdf] Re: JBoss Developer Framework

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Sun Mar 3 09:24:33 EST 2013

Pete Muir <pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk> wrote, in response to Juraj Huska:

Juraj, thanks for the feedback. There is a big green download button on the top right, which is always present, and on every page. But people keep missing it, so I'll try to come up with a better more obvious location!

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Juraj Huska (unregistered) wrote:


it is really cool site, especially for newbies as I am. One small note, I was not able to find the link to the repository of quickstarts. If I am correct the only one is here in the feedback section, imho it should be more visible. I would expect it in the list of available quickstarts.

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