[jdf-users] [jdf] Re: JBoss Developer Framework

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Tue Mar 12 13:32:40 EDT 2013

Sande <sgilda at redhat.com> wrote, in response to MWerth:

Pete is right. The errors above indicate it is attempting to build the ejb-security-interceptors quickstart which requires a newer release. If you navigate to the root of the `helloworld-rs` quickstart directory and run the command, you won't see that error.

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MWerth (unregistered) wrote:


I am not able to get this quickstart to work.  I have JBoss 7.1.1, JDK, and Maven 3.0.5.

Following the instructions above... mvn clean package jboss-as:deploy

I get errors...

[ERROR]   The project org.jboss.as.quickstarts:jboss-as-ejb-security-interceptors:7.1.2-SNAPSHOT (C:\Downloads\JBoss\jboss-jdf-jboss-as-quickstart-773b43a\ejb-security-interceptors\pom.xml) has 7 errors

[ERROR]     Non-resolvable import POM: Could not find artifact org.jboss.as:jboss-as-ejb-client-bom:pom:7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT @ line 69, column 16 -> [Help 2]

[ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.jboss.as:jboss-as-security:jar is missing. @ line 81, column 15

[ERROR]     'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.jboss.ejb3:jboss-ejb3-ext-api:jar is missing. @ line 112, column15


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