[jdf-users] New comment posted on JBoss Developer Framework

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Mon Nov 25 10:06:03 EST 2013

franleplant <franleplant at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:

Hey Vineet, thanks for your response.

I had some issues with the Entities relationship that Jboss was not logging into the IDE log.
I deployed manually to the JBoss server without the IDE and I started to see the errors, I fixed them and its working now!

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Vineet Reynolds wrote:

You'll need to use the "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" property in your persistence.xml file, with a value of "create" or "create-drop" to create the tables. This signals Hibernate to issue appropriate DDL statements to create the tables, or drop and create the tables. There are other values as well, but using them does not result in the creation of tables.

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