[jdf-users] Using Wildflys HTTP Management API

Mathias Henze cylab at gmx.de
Sat Nov 30 17:40:17 EST 2013


I am trying to set up some tooling for remote management of wildfly 
systems. To do so, I want to utilize the http management api available 
at port 9990 by default.  I was able to send some operations, like 
read-operation-description and interpret the result. My problem is, that 
it seems that I can only POST operations on the root-node (at the 
/management context).

If I use a GET request like /management/subsystem/logging, I get the 
subsystems specific resources and attributes, but if I POST any 
operation to this url, I get a response as if I was posing to 
/management alone.

Using WildFly 8.0.0-Beta1

Any Idea?

Best Regards

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