[jdf-users] New comment posted on JBoss Developer Framework

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Wed Jan 8 08:51:07 EST 2014

Francesco Sclano <sclano.francesco at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:

Thank you very much!

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Vineet Reynolds wrote:

> Does this quickstart use Jboss Modules without explicitly define a 
module in "module" directory of jboss (using module.xml etc.)?

That is right. The quickstart demonstrates how to define dependencies on JBoss modules present in the deployment. Every deployment is treated as a JBoss module, and subarchives within the deployment can also be treated as a module.

Module dependencies are defined via a Dependencies entry in the MANIFEST.MF. This is accomplished via the maven-war-plugin in this example. For more info: https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6/html/Development_Guide/Generate_MANIFESTMF_entries_using_Maven.html

The module names specified in the manifest have to be named in a specific manner, since the referenced modules are pre...

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