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Wed May 14 09:19:38 EDT 2014

Sande <sgilda at redhat.com> wrote, in response to darickard:

Can you tell me which instructions you were following when the H2 Console did not work for you? What was confusing? Was it the location of the WAR? Was it the path to the JBoess EAP server deployments folder? I would like to make it more clear.

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darickard wrote:

The H2console didn't work for me at first. I had to download it from the jboss-eap-quickstarts (https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts/), then copy the h2console.war to my deployments folder, which for me on Windows 7 was at C:\Users\MyUserName\jbdevstudio\runtimes\jboss-eap\standalone\deployments. Then it worked fine.

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