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Sat May 17 19:27:21 EDT 2014

TrueNull <classified8swe9 at gmail.com> wrote, in response to Sande:

Well, I followed the one linked to in this tutorial. I got confused since I was trying to following the linked tutorial (Configure Maven sounded like so much work if I had to do it at multiple times with restoring my config between times) from start to finish when I just needed the "Deploy the H2 Console" step (after clicking the download button). 

Oh, and then I needed to use "h2" instead of "org.h2.Driver" when following this Ticket-Monster tutorial or the H2 console would not accept my username/password as correct.

(Using JBoss-AS 7.1.1)

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Sande wrote:

Can you tell me which instructions you were following when the H2 Console did not work for you? What was confusing? Was it the location of the WAR? Was it the path to the JBoess EAP server deployments folder? I would like to make it more clear.

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