[jsr-314-open] <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat

Lincoln Baxter, III lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 17:17:32 EDT 2009

I've created issue 612 to track the JSF half of this issue... if someone
more able to describe the needed changes than myself would file the EL
half, that would be great. Thanks.



On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 13:31 -0700, Ed Burns wrote:

> >>>>> On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 08:08:31 +0200, Martin Marinschek <mmarinschek at apache.org> said:
> MM> Hi Ed,
> >> Which I still don't understand.  Can you please explain explicitly?
> MM> I sent a mail to Kin-Man that we can't pass parameters from the
> MM> framework to the method-expression. So, we can now do:
> MM> #{bb.action(myparam)}
> MM> to call a method with signature:
> MM> public String action(String myparam) {}
> MM> but we can not do:
> MM> #{bb.valueChangeListener(myparam)}
> MM> to call a method with signature:
> MM> public void valueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent ev, String myparam) {}
> MM> only with signature:
> MM> public void valueChangeListener(String myparam) {}
> MM> so what we loose is the ValueChangeEvent, which was provided by the
> MM> JSF framework as a parameter to the invoke-call in the
> MM> Method-Expression instance (we will only receive the parsed
> MM> parameters).
> Thanks.  Now I understand your request.
> MM> I already got mail by Kin-Man - he said this won't be included, we
> MM> are too late.
> MM> This effectively means we cannot use the new EL functionality to solve
> MM> the problem that was discussed in this thread (using
> MM> valueChangeListeners in a dataTable), and therefore, even though we
> MM> can get rid of the f:setPropertyActionListener, we would still need an
> MM> f:setPropertyValueChangeListener - a pity.
> I agree that the feature you request is indeed valid.  Can you please
> file it in the uel.dev.java.net issue tracker?
> Ed
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