[jsr-314-open] An observation on where we should focus attention

Imre Osswald ioss at mx.jevelopers.com
Wed Dec 23 16:01:13 EST 2009

On 23.12.2009, at 21:22, Dan Allen wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter at gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> Then there's the lovely version issue, when each lib depends on a  
> different jquery... oops; ) that one shouldn't happen too much, but  
> Its worth considering... might be easy just to say "you're on your  
> own"
> Well, in a sense it would be like a Maven dependency in that you  
> have to specify a version range of compatibility. If the the page  
> attempts to load different versions, where one is not in the range  
> of accepted versions of the other, it would throw some sort of  
> compatibility exception (otherwise, you just get unexpected behavior  
> in the page). I'm speaking fairly high level here, but certainly  
> worth considering if the goal is the really make sure we support  
> mixing and matching components.

While it would be great to have jsf  automatically resolve duplicates/ 
versions, I think sometimes the developers has to get involved, so  
first of all it should be possible to map resource-requests to other  
resources, so that a user (=developer) could say  (.*)jquery(.*).js   
maps to lets say a jquery-min-1.2.13.js resource in some other jar or  
(This could even be used to replace images of components with one  
line, if you allow for references from the matches on the source- 
regexp in the target-exp)
While it is possible to do that on your own, I think that could be a  
valuable addition to the specs.

Concerning version issues, I don't think we should come up with a  
solution (which would probably involve versionnamespacing the included  
scripts and the calls to it... ugly!) but as suggested just say  
"you're on your own".

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