[jsr-314-open] An observation on where we should focus attention

Alexander Smirnov asmirnov at exadel.com
Tue Dec 29 15:44:40 EST 2009

On 12/17/2009 08:59 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 12:13:52 -0600, Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com> said:
> JL> On 12/17/09 12:05 PM, David Geary wrote:
>>> I'd love to see some built-in interoperability in JSF for GWT. GWT 
>>> gives you a lot of Ajax firepower (in fact, it's unrivaled, IMO) on 
>>> the client, and JSF provides lots of firepower on the server. 
>>> Combining the two technologies is a very attractive proposition.
>>> Grails has a GWT plug-in, and I would love to see JSF have something 
>>> along those lines.
> JL> Exadel started gwt4jsf some time ago, but I think it died on the vine.  
> JL> Might be a good project for $SOMEONE to pick back up:
> Sigh.  I had a sit down with Bruce Johnson at JAOO 2006 (the one and
> only time I went there, sadly) and we mapped out what I thought was a
> very nice integration strategy.  Nothing ever came of it, but it went
> something like this:
That project has not been died but got his descendant as Exadel's "Fiji"
http://www.exadel.com/web/portal/fiji. Thought GWT ( and JavaFX too )
integration is not on surface, they are both supported by current
development version. The biggest problem that really few developers use
that, as you can even see in the lot of discussions that only accept
"GWT or JSF or Wicket or Flex or whatever else" and rare put on "and"
conjunction. This is far away from technology concern, I guess, but lies
in the human mind that hates to keep two subjects on top :-(
> GWT's RMI-like serverside integration is feature poor when viewed from
> the perspective of someone used to EL, DI, and JPA.  Wouldn't it be nice
> if you could just have ELExpressions in your GWT components and value
> bind them to server side objects?  In this way, you could re-use your
> POJOs and write both JSF views and GWT views to them.
> There were some other niceties in there that I'm sure will come up if we
> start to work on this in earnest.
> Ed

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