[jsr-314-open] request for listeners to support container injection and life-cycle callbacks

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 00:42:43 EDT 2009

One of the questions that is often raised when discussing Java EE
integration (JSR-299 and EJB) is how to get a reference to a
container-managed resource from within a JSF listener (e.g., EJB session
bean, BeanManager, EntityManager). While Java EE certainly provides
mechanisms to lookup up a resource, such as through JNDI, I think we need to
restate the question at hand. Why is it that JSF listeners don't support
Java EE resource injection like managed beans. Requiring this functionality
in a Java EE environment would go a long way towards making JSF extensions
(such as Seam or ADF) portable and generally make the effort of integration
w/ container-managed resources easier.

With that said, I would like to propose for the next rev of the JSF
specification that listeners, in addition to managed beans, support
container injection and life-cycle callbacks when JSF is run in a Java EE
environment (the rule for servlet containers would parallel that of managed
beans today).

Listeners include:

BehaviorListener? (not sure)


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597

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