[jsr-314-open] EL property accessor name Forgiveness / Flexibility

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 11:43:57 EDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 12:30 AM, Alaxander Smirnov <asmirnov at exadel.com>wrote:

> A setter method 'void' return value is a part of the JavaBean contract. I
> guess that modification of the setter method pattern would also confuse many
> other Java Bean libraries like apache-beanutils, some EJB 3.x containers and
> so on. I do not think what an one JSR specification should violate any
> other, especially so wide used as JavaBeans are.

I have always objected to the claim that getters and setters come from the
JavaBean contract. That relationship is so loose one can only say that it is
a van der Waals-like relationship. Okay, so we steal this idea of deriving a
property from an object by removing get or set prefixes and lowercase the
following letter, with the exception of a primitive boolean in which the is
prefix is stripped as an alternative to get. The relationship to that
specification then trails off into the ether.

The real spec that we are following is the yet undefined Java properties
specification. What does it take for there to be a property? As Lincoln
suggests, the return type on the setter should not be considered. Maybe even
annotations can be used as an override of these defaults.

So the rules would be:

getter: a no arguments method whose name is formed by captializing the
property name and prepending "get" with a return type equivalent to the
property's type
setter: a single arguments method whose name is formed by captilizing the
property name and prepending "set" and whose argument type is equivalent to
the property's type (no restriction on return type)

Annotations, like in JAX-RS, can be used when these defaults are not
sufficient for the class composition used by the application.

Btw: I think the who idea of the "is" prefix for primitive boolean types is
half-assed and insufficient and should be supported only for backwards

Lincoln, as far as I can tell what you are attempting to do is legal if you
have JBoss EL loaded. JBoss EL is much more flexible about what is allowed
and is hopefully a preview of EL 2.2.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597

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