[jsr-314-open] JavaServer Faces Wiki Book

Jim Driscoll Jim.Driscoll at Sun.COM
Tue Jun 30 12:47:03 EDT 2009

On 6/30/09 5:29 AM, lincolnbaxter at gmail.com wrote:
> That's true, but it would of course require you to upgrade to the new
> el. I'm not sure that's coming to jsf by default.
> I tried a few weeks ago actually and ran into a lot of problema. Anyone
> know where it stands?

I've talked with Kin-Man, the spec lead (and also the implementation 
team) on the EL MR.  He's still working on it, and he'll let us know 
when there's something for us to look at.  At this time, he's not ready 
to publicly commit to a date.


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