[jsr-314-open] Behavior API overview

Kito Mann kito.mann at VIRTUA.COM
Thu Mar 12 15:42:37 EDT 2009


In general, +1. I wonder, however, if ClienyBehaviorHolder shouldn't
be BehaviorHolder<? extends Behavior>.

Sent from my iPhone


On Mar 12, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at ORACLE.COM>

> One more update...
> Just in case we do decide to roll these changes out, I have opened
> up a Mojarra issue and uploaded my patch here:
> https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1032
> Martin, Kito -
> Can you guys confirm whether you are happy with this solution,
> preferably soon if you are checking email?
> Oh, and, of course, if anyone else wants to either support or object
> to this change, now would be a good time. :-)
> Andy
> Andy Schwartz wrote On 3/12/2009 8:07 AM ET:
>> Gang -
>> Last night I re-factored our code as described in my previous
>> email, ie:
>> - Behavior class -> ClientBehavior interface
>> - BehaviorHolder->ClientBehaviorHolder
>> - BehaviorContext->ClientBehaviorContext
>> - BehaviorRenderer->ClientBehaviorRenderer
>> - BehaviorBase->ClientBehaviorBase
>> - BehaviorHint->ClientBehaviorHint
>> I also introduced a new javax.component.behavior.Behavior
>> interface, which is empty.  While an empty interface is a bit
>> unusual, it serves three purposes:
>> 1. It allows us to return something generic from
>> Application.createBehavior() (ie. return Behavior instead of
>> ClientBehavior).
>> 2. It provides us with a generic super-type for the new
>> ClientBehavior interface.
>> 3. It provides us with a a generic super-type for future Behavior
>> contracts.
>> Regarding #3, in order to address Martin's use case, we would add a
>> new  "PhaseBehavior" interface (extends Behavior) and a possibly a
>> PhaseBehaviorHolder interface in 2.1.  This would allow us to
>> define a new aspect/phase-listening type of Behavior in 2.1.
>> Martin -
>> While the code re-factoring was fairly straightforward (though
>> touched a number of places), if we are going get this in we still
>> have a log of spec edits to make.  So before we move forward, I
>> would very much like to hear whether you are happy with the
>> approach that I have proposed/implemented.  Given the schedule
>> dates that Ed sent out yesterday, we don't have much time to get
>> this in, so please respond soon if at all possible.
>> Kito -
>> When you said:
>>> Andy, your proposal seems like the simplest way to handle this for
>>> now.
>> I assume that means that you support this proposal (ie. renaming
>> Behavior->ClientBehavior, introduce generic Behavior interface).
>> Can you confirm?
>>> However, if we assume that a behavior has a single purpose,
>>> couldn't we just rename "getScript" to "getContent" or something?
>> Hrm... I am on the fence on this one... While getScript() is not
>> the greatest name, it does seem relatively descriptive/
>> informative.  Not sure that moving to getContent() is a big
>> improvement.  And to be honest, since I am already pushing my luck
>> with getting last minute changes in, I think I would prefer to
>> stick with our current method name - one less spec edit to worry
>> about. :-)
>> Andy
>> Andy Schwartz wrote On 3/11/2009 4:27 PM ET:
>>> Hey Martin,
>>> Okay, I see where you are coming from.  So one option (leaving
>>> schedule issues aside for a moment) would be to go back to our old
>>> names:
>>> - Behavior->ClientBehavior
>>> - BehaviorHolder->ClientBehaviorHolder
>>> And I guess also for the new APIs:
>>> - BehaviorContext->ClientBehaviorContext
>>> - BehaviorRenderer->ClientBehaviorRenderer
>>> - BehaviorBase->ClientBehaviorBase
>>> - BehaviorHint->ClientBehaviorHint (or give up on the enum and
>>> just use a boolean).
>>> And, as you suggest, we would need to define a new base Behavior
>>> contract that ClientBehavior extends.  Or, at least, I think we
>>> need this, since we would want to keep the behavior-related
>>> configuration stuff generic.  That is, I assume that we would
>>> still want this method in Application:
>>>     public abstract Behavior createBehavior(String behaviorId)
>>> As opposed to this:
>>>     public abstract ClientBehavior createClientBehavior(String
>>> behaviorId)
>>> (And similarly, still want <behavior> elements in faces-config.xml
>>> and Facelets taglib.)
>>> While I think we would need to introduce a new Behavior contract
>>> (so that we have something generic to return from
>>> Application.createBehavior()), I am not sure that  we need a base
>>> BehaviorHolder contract.  Just doesn't seem like this would be
>>> useful.
>>> If we do this, then in 2.1 we could introduce a PhaseBehavior
>>> interface that extends Behavior.  This would allow us to implement
>>> phase-listening/apsect-like behaviors in 2.1 without requiring
>>> that they implement the getScript() method.  We may also add a
>>> PhaseBehaviorHolder contract for components that allow
>>> PhaseBehaviors to be attached independently of any event attach
>>> point.  (The ClientBehaviorHolder contract is all about attaching
>>> to "events" - whereas a PhaseBehavior may not care at all about
>>> attaching to a particular event.)
>>> Note that if we decide to add support for behaviors that do
>>> component-level/aspect-like phase listening in 2.1, I would prefer
>>> that we do this by introducing a new sub-interface of the generic
>>> Behavior interface, rather than add phase listening capabilities
>>> directly into the base, since phase listening capabilities may not
>>> be generic to all Behaviors (just like script generation may not
>>> be generic to all Behaviors - for example, AjaxBehavior doesn't
>>> want to be a PhaseBehavior)
>>> So, I think this could work, but two problems:
>>> 1. I am not sure what the base Behavior contract should be.
>>> Would it be okay for this to just be a marker interface?  This
>>> would certainly be easier than trying to design a more meaningful/
>>> generic base Behavior contract now.
>>> 2. Time
>>> The re-factoring shouldn't be all that hard, but it will require
>>> some work, both on the implementation and in the specification,
>>> and as we all know, we are definitely running out of time.
>>> Andy
>>> Martin Marinschek wrote On 3/11/2009 11:06 AM ET:
>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>> ok, I see. Well, I just wanted to make sure that we don't pollute
>>>> the
>>>> namespace: again, behavior seems to generic a name to me to have a
>>>> method providing a script. Should we have a behavior interface, an
>>>> extending script-behavior interface, and then we can make behavior
>>>> (the base-interface) more powerful in 2.1?
>>>> regards,
>>>> Martin
>>>> On 3/10/09, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Martin -
>>>>> Thanks for reading through my long email and for the comments!
>>>>> We ended up with the getScript() and decode() methods out of
>>>>> necessity -
>>>>> these were the minimal APIs that we needed to encapsulate our
>>>>> Ajax-related functionality into a Behavior object.  As currently
>>>>> designed, our Behavior solution is definitely focused on
>>>>> creating and
>>>>> attaching scripts to components - thus we ended up with
>>>>> getScript() as
>>>>> the centerpiece of the Behavior contract.
>>>>> I find your idea of Behaviors as component aspects very
>>>>> interesting, and
>>>>> can see how this would add another degree of flexibility.
>>>>> However, I am
>>>>> a little uncomfortable expanding the scope at this point in the
>>>>> 2.0
>>>>> release.   For 2.1, I do think it would be worth considering
>>>>> whether we
>>>>> can address this, perhaps by adding a new "PhaseBehavior"
>>>>> interface.
>>>>> The idea is that this would identify Behaviors that want to be
>>>>> notified
>>>>> before/after each phase, similar to a PhaseListener, but at the
>>>>> component instance-level rather than at the view-level.
>>>>> Do you feel that this is something that we can evaluate for
>>>>> 2.1?  Or do
>>>>> you feel that it is critical to address this in 2.0?
>>>>> Andy
>>>>> Martin Marinschek wrote On 3/10/2009 3:02 PM ET:
>>>>>> Hi Andy,
>>>>>> I think this all reads very well - however, I was wondering why
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> stopped at providing decode and renderScript (especially the
>>>>>> get-script method feels a little awkward in something which
>>>>>> sounds as
>>>>>> generic as a behaviour class).
>>>>>> For me, this whole behavior thing sounds like a component aspect:
>>>>>> something which is called before/after/around component lifecycle
>>>>>> methods are executed... at least before/after/around decode and
>>>>>> before/after/around rendering.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> On 3/10/09, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Gang -
>>>>>>> I wanted to send one last email on the new Behavior API to
>>>>>>> help folks
>>>>>>> who were not able to keep up with the progress on this API as it
>>>>>>> evolved.  Much of this information has been covered in
>>>>>>> previous emails,
>>>>>>> but some of the API details are new, so please read on if you
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> interested.
>>>>>>> * Core APIs
>>>>>>> Just to remind everyone why we started down this path...  As
>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>> public review draft, we had a single non-generic "behavior" -
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> AjaxBeahvior - which could only be attached to
>>>>>>> EditableValueHolders and
>>>>>>> ActionSource components, and even then, only for valueChange/
>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>> events.  So, two obvious limitations that we decided to address:
>>>>>>> 1. We wanted to allow other types of "behaviors" to be
>>>>>>> provided - not
>>>>>>> limit the solution to AjaxBehavior.
>>>>>>> 2. We wanted to allow components other than
>>>>>>> EditableValueHolders/ActionSources to host "behaviors".
>>>>>>> In order to address #1, we introduced the generic
>>>>>>> javax.faces.component.behavior.Behavior class.  The class
>>>>>>> provides the
>>>>>>> base contract for all behavior implementations.  Note that
>>>>>>> early on we
>>>>>>> decided that a "behavior" was something distinct from a
>>>>>>> "component".
>>>>>>> Behaviors, like converters/validators, are objects that are
>>>>>>> attached to
>>>>>>> existing components in order to enhance the component with
>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>>> that is not provided by the component itself.
>>>>>>> The main responsibility of a Behavior implementation is to
>>>>>>> cough up a
>>>>>>> script - ie. a bit of JavaScript code that can be attached to
>>>>>>> one of the
>>>>>>> component's client-side event handlers (eg. attach to
>>>>>>> "onclick").  This
>>>>>>> responsibility is implemented via the Behavior.getScript()
>>>>>>> method.
>>>>>>> In order to address #2, we introduced the
>>>>>>> javax.faces.component.behavior.BehaviorHolder interface.
>>>>>>> Components
>>>>>>> that want to allow behaviors to be attached implement this
>>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>>> This allows the component to communicate the valid attach points
>>>>>>> (getEventNames()) and the default attach point
>>>>>>> (getDefaultEventName()),
>>>>>>> provides a mechanism for registering behaviors
>>>>>>> (addBehavior()), and also
>>>>>>> provides access to any registered behaviors (getBehaviors()).
>>>>>>> While UIComponentBase does not implement the BehaviorHolder
>>>>>>> interface
>>>>>>> itself, it provides default implementations of the
>>>>>>> BehaviorHolder
>>>>>>> methods in order to make it easier for subclasses to implement
>>>>>>> BehaviorHolder.  The minimal requirement for a UIComponentBase
>>>>>>> subclass
>>>>>>> to implement BehaviorHolder is to provide an implementation of
>>>>>>> getEventNames() that returns a non-empty set of the event names
>>>>>>> supported by the component.
>>>>>>> These two contracts, Behavior and BehaviorHolder, form the
>>>>>>> foundation of
>>>>>>> our new component behavior solution.  Hopefully the above
>>>>>>> should be
>>>>>>> familiar since it has been discussed the number of times on
>>>>>>> the EG list
>>>>>>> and was also covered in Appendix C of the recent spec
>>>>>>> drafts.   The
>>>>>>> actual set of APIs that we need has grown over the last few
>>>>>>> months, so I
>>>>>>> wanted to also discuss some of the more recent additions...
>>>>>>> * BehaviorRenderer
>>>>>>> Once we got the core Behavior/BehaviorHolder contract in
>>>>>>> place, we
>>>>>>> (Roger, Ted, Alex and I) quickly realized that additional
>>>>>>> flexibility
>>>>>>> was needed.  In particular, we felt that the scripts that are
>>>>>>> produced
>>>>>>> by Behaivor implementations may need to vary based on the
>>>>>>> RenderKit.  In
>>>>>>> order to support RenderKit-specific Behavior script
>>>>>>> generation, we
>>>>>>> followed the existing UIComonent/Renderer pattern and
>>>>>>> introduced a
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer API.  BehaviorRenderers are similar in spirit
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> component Renderers, but provide a contract that is geared
>>>>>>> towards
>>>>>>> Behaviors.  So, while component Renderers are designed for
>>>>>>> HTML content
>>>>>>> generation and write directly to the ResponseWriter,
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderers
>>>>>>> simply cough up a script - ie. the main API on
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer is
>>>>>>> getScript() (mirrors Behavior.getScript()).
>>>>>>> Of course, as with component Renderers, BehaviorRenderers are
>>>>>>> entirely
>>>>>>> optional.  A Behavior implementation does not need to use a
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer at all - it can simply override
>>>>>>> Behavior.getScript()
>>>>>>> and produce the script locally.
>>>>>>> * Behavior Event Handling
>>>>>>> The next enhancement that we tackled was the ability for
>>>>>>> Behaviors to
>>>>>>> participate in decoding.  This was necessary in order to
>>>>>>> support a very
>>>>>>> important use case: the ability for Behavior implementations
>>>>>>> to deliver
>>>>>>> events to registered listeners.  The main case that we had in
>>>>>>> mind was
>>>>>>> AjaxBehavior, ie. we wanted to make it possible to do this:
>>>>>>>   <h:commandButton>
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax event="mouseover"
>>>>>>> listener="#{bean.doSomethingInResponseToMouseOver}"/>
>>>>>>>   </h:commandButton>
>>>>>>> In order to support this we added the following APIs:
>>>>>>> - Behavior.decode()
>>>>>>> - BehaviorRenderer.decode()
>>>>>>> - Behavior.broadcast()
>>>>>>> - BehaviorEvent (extends FacesEvent)
>>>>>>> - BehaviorListener (extends FacesListener)
>>>>>>> We also specified the mechanism/conditions under which
>>>>>>> BehaviorHolder
>>>>>>> components must give attached Behaviors the opportunity to
>>>>>>> decode.
>>>>>>> * BehaviorBase
>>>>>>> Around this time we also introduced a BehaviorBase base class
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> provides base functionality for Behavior implementations (such
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> listener registration, event broadcast support, BehaviorRenderer
>>>>>>> delegation wiring).  BehaviorBase is to Behavior what
>>>>>>> UIComponentBase is
>>>>>>> to UIComponent.
>>>>>>> * Behavior.Parameter
>>>>>>> As we started integrating the new behavior contract with our
>>>>>>> existing
>>>>>>> renderers, we realized that Behavior/BehaviorRenderer
>>>>>>> getScript()
>>>>>>> implementations may need access to various pieces of
>>>>>>> information to help
>>>>>>> them generate the correct scripts.  For example, in the
>>>>>>> h:commandButton
>>>>>>> case, the component may have f:params attached.  These f:param
>>>>>>> names/values must be included in the request, whether the
>>>>>>> request is a
>>>>>>> full page postback provided by the component, or an Ajax
>>>>>>> postback
>>>>>>> provided by the AjaxBehavior.  In order to support this case,
>>>>>>> we added a
>>>>>>> trivial static inner Parameter class to Behavior.  This allows
>>>>>>> components/renderers to pass (resolved) parameter name/values
>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>> Behavior.getScript().
>>>>>>> * BehaviorContext
>>>>>>> At this point we realized that there is danger in adding more
>>>>>>> arguments
>>>>>>> to the Behavior.BehaviorRenderer.getScript() methods.  The
>>>>>>> problem is
>>>>>>> that we may not be able to foresee all of the possible
>>>>>>> information that
>>>>>>> getScript() implementations may need access to.  Rather than
>>>>>>> risk having
>>>>>>> to later define new overrides of getScript(), we decided to
>>>>>>> introduce a
>>>>>>> BehaviorContext class.  The BehaviorContext is used to pass
>>>>>>> information
>>>>>>> (FacesContext, component, parameters, source id) into
>>>>>>> Behavior.getScript().  If we find that we need to pass
>>>>>>> additional
>>>>>>> information into getScript() in a later release, we can do so
>>>>>>> by adding
>>>>>>> new methods to the BehaviorContext.
>>>>>>> BehaviorContext is defined as an abstract class, but provides
>>>>>>> access to
>>>>>>> a implementation via the
>>>>>>> BehaviorContext.createBehaviorContext() factory
>>>>>>> method.  Note that we explicitly avoid going through the
>>>>>>> FactoryFinder
>>>>>>> mechanism here since this is a trivial data transfer object -
>>>>>>> and one
>>>>>>> which may need to be instantiated many times during a typical
>>>>>>> request -
>>>>>>> so we want to keep the overhead low.
>>>>>>> I keep going back and forth as to whether Behavior.decode()
>>>>>>> should also
>>>>>>> take a BehaviorContext.  Currently it just takes a
>>>>>>> FacesContext and the
>>>>>>> UIComponent.  I am tempted to pass in the BehaviorContext
>>>>>>> instead,
>>>>>>> though certain information on the BehaviorContext (like the
>>>>>>> parameters)
>>>>>>> are clearly specific to script generation.
>>>>>>> * BehaviorHint
>>>>>>> Another issue that arose while integrating Behavior support into
>>>>>>> h:commandButton is that the component renderer may itself need
>>>>>>> to vary
>>>>>>> its content depending on whether or not it has a Behavior
>>>>>>> attached, and
>>>>>>> in particular depending on whether that Behavior provides a
>>>>>>> script that
>>>>>>> performs a postback.  The issue here is that certain renderers
>>>>>>> - eg.
>>>>>>> commandButton/Link renderers - may generate their own postback
>>>>>>> scripts
>>>>>>> (in Mojarra these renderers generate calls to
>>>>>>> mojarra.jsfcljs()).
>>>>>>> However, when an AjaxBehavior is attached, it provides its own
>>>>>>> postback
>>>>>>> script that should replace/suppress the postback script that the
>>>>>>> component renderer normally produces.  Since not all Behavior
>>>>>>> implementations actually perform postbacks (AjaxBehavior does,
>>>>>>> but most
>>>>>>> won't), the component renderer needs some way to determine
>>>>>>> whether or
>>>>>>> not an attached Behavior is going to perform a postback.
>>>>>>> In order to solve this problem, we added a new enum,
>>>>>>> BehaviorHint, and a
>>>>>>> new method to Behavior: Behavior.getHints().  getHints()
>>>>>>> returns a
>>>>>>> Set<BehaviorHint> (implemented under the covers as an EnumSet
>>>>>>> of course)
>>>>>>> that provides information about the Behavior that the consuming
>>>>>>> component/renderer may be interested in.
>>>>>>> At the moment, the BehaviorHint enum only defines a single
>>>>>>> value -
>>>>>>> BehaviorHint.SUBMITTING.  However, we chose to use an enum
>>>>>>> rather than a
>>>>>>> boolean (ie. rather than a Behavior.isSubmitting() method) to
>>>>>>> allow for
>>>>>>> additional hints in the future.  If people feel that it is too
>>>>>>> awkward
>>>>>>> to have a single-valued enum in our API, please let me know.
>>>>>>> We can
>>>>>>> consider reverting to a boolean method, though an enum is more
>>>>>>> future
>>>>>>> proof.
>>>>>>> * Behavior configuration
>>>>>>> In order to provide complete support for configuring Behavior
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer implementations, we had to touch a number of
>>>>>>> places,
>>>>>>> including:
>>>>>>> - javax.faces.application.Application now supports methods for
>>>>>>> adding
>>>>>>> and creating Behavior instances
>>>>>>> - faces-config.xml now supports <behavior> and <behavior-
>>>>>>> renderer>
>>>>>>> elements
>>>>>>> - We have added annotations for identifying Behavior and
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer implementations so that faces-config entries
>>>>>>> are not
>>>>>>> required
>>>>>>> - The Facelets taglib file now supports <behavior> tags.
>>>>>>> In all cases we followed the precedents already set by
>>>>>>> converter/validator.
>>>>>>> * Standard HTML component BehaviorHolders
>>>>>>> Finally, once we had agreement our generic Behavior solution,
>>>>>>> we also
>>>>>>> decided that it was silly not to enhance the standard HTML
>>>>>>> component set
>>>>>>> to take advantage of this.  Most of the standard HTML
>>>>>>> components now
>>>>>>> implement BehaviorHolder and thus allow Behaviors to be
>>>>>>> attached.  The
>>>>>>> attach points for the standard HTML components correspond to the
>>>>>>> standard "on<Event>" attributes.  So, whereas before it was only
>>>>>>> possible to attach behaviors to EditableValueHolder/ActionSource
>>>>>>> components, it is now possible to attach Behaviors to other
>>>>>>> standard
>>>>>>> components, eg. <h:panelGroup>:
>>>>>>>   <h:panelGroup>
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax event="mouseover" listener="#{bean.foo}"/>
>>>>>>>   </h:panelGroup>
>>>>>>> This gives us significantly more flexibility - and a much more
>>>>>>> powerful
>>>>>>> solution than we had outlined in our original plans.
>>>>>>> One quick note on event names... The event names/attach points
>>>>>>> do not
>>>>>>> include the "on" prefix that is used in the component
>>>>>>> attribute names.
>>>>>>> So:
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax event="mouseover"/>
>>>>>>> Not:
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax event="onMouseover"/>
>>>>>>> The standard ActionSource components still support a logical
>>>>>>> "action"
>>>>>>> event/attach point.  And the standard EditableValueHolder
>>>>>>> components
>>>>>>> still support a logical "valueChange" event/attach point.
>>>>>>> This allows
>>>>>>> page authors to attach Behaviors to these components without
>>>>>>> having to
>>>>>>> be aware of the unerlying DOM event that triggers the action/
>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>> change.  Also note that the "action" and "valueChange" events
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> defined as default events for these components, which makes it
>>>>>>> possible
>>>>>>> to do omit the event attribute, eg:
>>>>>>>    <!-- Fires Ajax requests in response to actions -->
>>>>>>>    <h:commandButton>
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax/>
>>>>>>>   </h:commandButton>
>>>>>>>   <!-- Fires Ajax requests in response to value changes -->
>>>>>>>   <h:inputText>
>>>>>>>       <f:ajax/>
>>>>>>>   </h:inputText>
>>>>>>> BTW, Jeffrey Stephenson (JSR-276) and I have been having some
>>>>>>> offline
>>>>>>> discussions on the possibility of getting event name/default
>>>>>>> event name
>>>>>>> metadata in place.  This would clearly help the development tool
>>>>>>> experience.
>>>>>>> * Limitations
>>>>>>> While I think that the Behavior API is a great addition to
>>>>>>> JSF, there
>>>>>>> are a few limitations that we have not been able to address
>>>>>>> for 2.0.
>>>>>>> These include:
>>>>>>> 1. Custom renderer wiring
>>>>>>> Implementing the BehaviorHolder contract is trivial.  However,
>>>>>>> actually
>>>>>>> rendering the Behavior scripts - possibly multiple scripts
>>>>>>> which may
>>>>>>> need to be chained with other component/renderer-defined
>>>>>>> scripts - can
>>>>>>> be tedious.  To help simplify this, we have introduced a new
>>>>>>> utility
>>>>>>> method into our JavaScript API: jsf.util.chain().  This method
>>>>>>> takes an
>>>>>>> arbitrary number of script arguments and executes each one
>>>>>>> until it
>>>>>>> finds one that returns false, at which point it short-
>>>>>>> circuits.  While
>>>>>>> this simplifies things somewhat, it is still nontrivial for a
>>>>>>> Renderer
>>>>>>> author to produce the proper call to jsf.util.chain().
>>>>>>> If we had more time, I would recommend trying to get some
>>>>>>> utility
>>>>>>> methods into the JSF API so that we can make it easier for
>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>> Renderer authors to produce the properly chained scripts.
>>>>>>> However,
>>>>>>> given how little have time we have left, I do not think that
>>>>>>> we have
>>>>>>> time to get this right.  My current plan is to try to provide
>>>>>>> some open
>>>>>>> source utilities to help Renderer authors solve this problem.
>>>>>>> Once
>>>>>>> we've worked out the right APIs in open source, I am hoping
>>>>>>> that we can
>>>>>>> incorporate these back into the 2.1 spec.
>>>>>>> 2. Behavior attribute-property transparency
>>>>>>> I have been thinking that, like components, Behaviors should
>>>>>>> expose an
>>>>>>> attribute map that provides attribute-property transparency.
>>>>>>> That way,
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderers do not have to worry about the actual
>>>>>>> Behavior type -
>>>>>>> they can simply grab attributes out of the attribute map.
>>>>>>> I briefly considered implementing this functionality, but
>>>>>>> after a quick
>>>>>>> look at UIComponentBase.AttributeMap I got scared away.  I
>>>>>>> think the
>>>>>>> right solution is to:
>>>>>>> - Break UIComponentBase.AttributeMap out into its own top-
>>>>>>> level public
>>>>>>> class.
>>>>>>> - Introduce an AttributeHolder contract
>>>>>>> - Have UIComponentBase and BehaviorBase implement
>>>>>>> AttributeHolder and
>>>>>>> use AttributeMap to hold their attributes.
>>>>>>> However, for obvious reasons I decided not to push this for 2.0.
>>>>>>> Perhaps we can think about this for 2.1.
>>>>>>> Since we do not have a Behavior.getAttributes() API, at the
>>>>>>> moment,
>>>>>>> BehaviorRenderer implementations are forced to cast to the
>>>>>>> actual
>>>>>>> Behaivor type (eg. AjaxBehaviorRenderer casts the Behavior to
>>>>>>> AjaxBehavior).  I am not happy about this, but willing to live
>>>>>>> with it
>>>>>>> for now.
>>>>>>> 3. Behavior resources
>>>>>>> Behavior implementations clearly are going to want to pull in
>>>>>>> JavaScript
>>>>>>> libraries so that these do not need to be pulled in explicitly
>>>>>>> by the
>>>>>>> application developer.  However, at the moment we do not have a
>>>>>>> solution/recommendation for this.  (Well, there might be some
>>>>>>> solution -
>>>>>>> just haven't identified what it is yet.)
>>>>>>> This is another one that will need to wait for 2.1.
>>>>>>> I think that's it!  If you have any questions/comments on this
>>>>>>> new API,
>>>>>>> please follow up here.
>>>>>>> I am hoping to do some blogging on all of this if I can ever
>>>>>>> find the
>>>>>>> time. :-)
>>>>>>> Andy
> aven't identified what it is yet.) This is another one that will
> need to wait for 2.1. I think that's it! If you have any questions/
> comments on this new API, please follow up here. I am hoping to do
> some blogging on all of this if I can ever find the time. :-) Andy
> uote>
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