[jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] JSF 2.0 Spec Snapshot

michael freedman michael.freedman at ORACLE.COM
Wed Mar 4 18:00:45 EST 2009

This version of the spec doesn't seem to include a number of topics we
have been discussing the past few weeks, including page parameters and
Ajax changes (to better run in a portlet environment).  When do you
expect a review draft that includes these more recent changes?  For the
draft I have the following few comments:

   1. Until I hear a yeah or nay I would like to continue to recommend
      the changes I proposed making javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot a
      NamingContainer that implements portlet namespacing when
      run/accessed in portlet requests.
   2. Section 14.1 (Ajax):  its not clear whether any hidden fields
      other than javax.faces.ViewState are included in ajax requests by
      jsf.ajax.getViewState.  The HTML successful controls doc says they
      may be included but that seems too loose.  Portlets need some
      accommodation to support the following use case:

          An Ajax using JSF portlet is included in an Ajax using JSF
          consumer page by a consumer defined process that inlines the
          portlet.  By inlining I mean the consumer parses the portlet
          markup, removes/rewrites the target of <form> elements as
          hidden fields (to avoid the embeded form problem), and
          namespaces all the form's fields so that when the consumers
          page is submitted it can decode those fields pertaining to
          this portlet.  The outcome of this process is the hidden field
          name = "javax.faces.ViewState" is rewriten as name =
          "ns:javax.faces.ViewState".  When the overall page is
          submitted we need to ensure this hidden field is submitted
          whenever any of the portlet's input fields would also be
          submitted.  One easy way to do this is to submit all the
          hidden fields as part of the form state.

          Note:  if we make progress on the active discussion regarding
          namespacing this field, the

   3. Section 14.2.3: typo -- the description references jsf.viewState
      but it looks like it means to reference jsf.getViewState.


Roger Kitain wrote:
> I've uploaded a spec snapshot to
> https://javaserverfaces-spec-eg.dev.java.net/files/documents/2091/127938/jsf-spec-2.0-20090227.zip
> Please review this in detail, because the next one is going out to JCP
> on March 6, 2009.
> Roger
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