[jsr-314-open] h:outputScript doesn't work inside composite components

David Geary clarity.training at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 11 14:04:13 EDT 2009

2009/5/11 Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll at sun.com>

> On 5/11/09 9:30 AM, David Geary wrote:
>> 2009/5/11 Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke at sun.com <mailto:Ryan.Lubke at sun.com>>
>>    On 5/11/09 7:40 AM, David Geary wrote:
>>        I have a login composite component that looks like this:
>>        <composite:interface>...</composite:interface>
>>        ...
>>        <composite:implementation>
>>        <script type="text/javascript">
>>                        function checkForm(form) {
>>                          var name = form['#{cc.clientId}:name'].value;
>>                          var pwd = form['#{cc.clientId}:password'].value;
>>                          if (name == "" || pwd == "") {
>>                            alert("Please enter name and password.");
>>                            return false;
>>                          }
>>                          return true;
>>                        }
>>        </script>
>>          ...
>>        </composite:implementation>
>>        I have components with "name" and "password" component ids in a
>>        form in the ... part of the implementation. That works fine.
>>        However, if I pull the JS out into its own file, and do this:
>>        <composite:interface>...</composite:interface>
>>        ...
>>        <composite:implementation>
>>        <h:outputScript library="components/login" name="login.js"/>
>>          ...
>>        </composite:implementation>
>>        h:outputScript puts the JS in the page, but the JS no longer
>>        works because the expression cc.clientId evaluates to an empty
>>        string.
>>        That's a bug, is it not?
>>    No, I don't believe it is.  The javascript file will be served in a
>>    separate request.  There is no way to determine the
>>    component at that time.
>> That's what I figured, but that's not going to be obvious to the average
>> developer. This is a pretty serious violation of the principle of least
>> astonishment, and JSF has enough of those violations, IMO.
>> If there's no way to make it work, it should be documented, preferably
>> in the pdl (or is it vdl now?) docs that h:outputScript will not work
>> when the corresponding JS references a composite component.
> I agree that we should document how to do this:  Which is why I wrote a
> demo that does this (basic-ezcomp/spinner-final) - and blogged about it
> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2008/11/jsf_20_writing.html
> The problem is not solvable the way that you think it is:  I struggled with
> this too, until Ryan walked me through it.  The problem is one of the web,
> not one of the JSF, exactly.
> So, look at it this way:  The JavaScript file is served ONCE, from ONE
> known address.  This is good - it allows us to cache the javascript file.
>  This is bad - because we do the # variable substitution *before* we serve
> the file, we can't do #{cc} substitutions in it, that file could (and will)
> be shared across views - and even across different websurfing sessions,
> after all, that's the whole point of the resource mechanism...  Efficient
> use of caching for resources.
> So, how to address this?  One way is in the demo - just set the cc.clientId
> as a context, and use that context in the function calls.
> In a different demo (ajax-switchlist) I save that context into state, and
> use that in each call.  Either way works, and both require about four lines
> of (javascript) code.
> If you make it so that we make those substitutions into the javascript
> file, then you also need to output that javascript file with a view unique
> name.  And that's probably a bad idea for most uses, since that shoots
> caching in the head.  We could add a "perview" attribute to each resource, I
> guess, but since the workaround is so easy, once you know it, and the cost
> is the loss of caching, I'd argue this isn't a good idea.
> I urge you to run through the demos I wrote (basic-ajax, basic-ezcomp,
> basic-ajax-edittext, ajax-switchlist)  - they're all small, and in each of
> them, I try to tackle one small problem and solve it.  In many of them, I
> ran into problems just like this, and worked through them. They're not
> documented (except in blogs), but they are all small pieces of code.

Okay, I'll do that. Thanks for the insights--I hadn't stopped to think about


> Jim
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