[jsr-314-open] Execute phase of lifecycle in spec

Roger Kitain Roger.Kitain at SUN.COM
Sun May 24 22:32:17 EDT 2009

Hello David -

I only wish your valuable comments came at a more opportune (did I spell 
that correctly?) time.
At the same time, I do understand that you are preparing for your 
JavaOne demo/talk which has caused you
to deep dive into many of these areas.  Now, with respect to 
"execute"/"render" "conceptual" phases...
If you specify:

<f:ajax render="foo"/>

does this ajax request cause an actionListener to get invoked?

on the other hand... 

when you specify :

<f:ajax execute="@all"/> will that cause your actionListener to get invoked?


David Geary wrote:
> In the spec, we have this:
>   Although the diagram in Section 13.4 “Partial View Traversal” 
> depicts the “execute” portion as encompassing everything
>   except the “Render Response Phase”, it really is the “Apply Request 
> Values Phase”, “Update Model Values Phase” and
>   “Process Validations Phase”.
> I don't understand this at all. If that's the case (which means that 
> the execute portion of the excludes the Invoke Application phase), 
> then why hasn't someone updated the diagram to be correct?
> Why would we show a diagram that we know is wrong? I'd also like to 
> know if Invoke Application is part of the execute portion of the 
> lifecycle.
> Thanks,
> david

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