[jsr-314-open] Ajax rendering of components among compositions?

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 25 10:25:24 EDT 2009

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 1:39 AM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll at sun.com> wrote:

> On 5/24/09 8:39 PM, David Geary wrote:
>> And that id is *exactly* what <f:ajax> says it cannot find. It's in the
>> page, but <f:ajax> cannot find it?!?
>> My guess is that <f:ajax> is evaluating the id before the page is
>> completely constructed, and therefore, it doesn't find it, but that's
>> just a WAG on my part.
>> So, if this is not correct:
>> <f:ajax render="#{cc.parent.clientId}:image"/>
>> Then how do I access the image in the parent (map) component?
>> It seems to me that I'm using <f:ajax> correctly, but I'd be happy to be
>> told otherwise.
> It's late, but yes, that looks correct, and yes, your guess sounds correct.
>  Could you file this as an impl bug?
> Now, we do need to fix that as a bug, but I must argue that your use case
> represents bad practice.  Your component is using ajax inside a component to
> modify the using page.  That's difficult to maintain, and I suspect it will
> lead to obfuscated code quite easily.  I'd instead argue that if you are
> going to have one component modify another, you should either group them
> into one composite, or, have the ID of the component you act upon passed in
> as an attribute (say "for="?)

Very good point. You should definitely be parametrizing the id anyway.

> Of course, that second usage suggestion opens up another hole in the cc api
> - the lack of ability to do name resolution.  Though if/when we get method
> parameters, then cc.findComponent will work, I guess.    Though I've been
> saying that for a pretty long time now, I should check on when we're getting
> those method params...

Apparently in Java EE 6 under the auspices of JSP 2 MR1. We should check
with the Java EE 6 EG on this one.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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