[jsr-314-open] Ajax rendering of components among compositions?
David Geary
clarity.training at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 25 19:16:22 EDT 2009
2009/5/25 Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com>
> Gang -
> I spent the last couple of hours testing out various composite
> component/f:ajax/id-related use cases, using the ajax-switchlist demo
> (switchlistAjaxComponent.xhtml) as my base test case. The ajax-switchlist
> component hierarchy looks like this (simplified down to significant parts):
> <h:body>
> <h:form id="form1">
> <ez:switchlist id="switchlist"/>
> <h:commandButton value="reload" type="submit"/>
> </h:form>
> </h:body>
> And <ez:switchlist> composite component contains the following (again,
> stripped down to interesting parts):
> <cc:implementation>
> <h:selectManyListbox id="list1"/>
> <h:commandButton id="move1to2">
> <f:ajax execute="@this #{cc.clientId}:list1"
> render="#{cc.clientId}:list1 #{cc.clientId}:list2"/>
> </h:commandButton>
> <h:selectManyListbox id="list2"/>
> </cc:implementation>
> First thing to note... The execute/render ids are specified in an
> overcomplicated manner. As I mentioned in email earlier today, the f:ajax
> execute/render ids are spec'ed to adhere to findComponent() id resolution
> semantics. Since the <f:ajax> behavior is attached to a component that is
> in the same naming container as selectManyListbox components that we are
> targeting, we can simplify from this:
> <f:ajax execute="@this #{cc.clientId}:list1"
> render="#{cc.clientId}:list1 #{cc.clientId}:list2"/>
> To:
> <f:ajax execute="@this list1" render="list1 list2"/>
> Ah, that feels much better. Actually, this isn't just a simplification...
> this is correct solution. Unfortunately the original code only happens to
> work due to non-spec compliant implementation behavior. That is, when we
> specify:
> render="#{cc.clientId}:list1"
> This is the same as specifying:
> render="form1:switchlist:list1"
> Which should have the same behavior as calling:
> move1to2ButtonComponent.findComponent("form1:switchlist:list1");
> This will result in the search expression "form1:switchlist:list1" being
> resolved relative to the nearest naming container, which in this case is the
> switchlist composite component itself. Since there is no
> "form1:switchlist:list1" component within the composite component naming
> container, findComponent() would return null, and the <f:ajax> tag should
> log a warning.
> However, instead of failing/logging a warning, we've got some code in
> AjaxBehaviorRenderer.findComponent() that does the following:
> UIComponent resolvedComponent = component.findComponent(expr);
> if (resolvedComponent == null) {
> // not found using a relative search, try an absolute search
> resolvedComponent = component.findComponent(':' + expr);
> }
> The bonus absolute search is not part of the spec - ie. is not typical
> findComponent() id resolution behavior. This code should be removed and
> replaced by a warning. (We should be able to make the warning clearer by
> identifying the naming container that provided the scope of the search.
> In any case, when switching over to:
> <f:ajax execute="@this list1" render="list1 list2"/>
> Everything works as expected. We definitely should update this demo to use
> this simpler, more spec-compliant solution.
> In order to try to reproduce the problem that David was seeing, I decided
> to see whether I could update the "reload" button on the main page from
> within the composite component. So, first I gave the reload button an id:
> <h:commandButton value="reload" type="submit" id="reload"/>
> And then I added a new render target inside of our <f:ajax> tag (inside of
> the composite component):
> <f:ajax execute="@this list1" render="list1 list2
> :#{cc.parent.clientId}:reload"/>
> Note that I used the leading ":" character to indicate that this is an
> absolute id.
> I was thinking that "#{cc.parent}" would resolve to the composite
> component's immediate parent, which in this case happens to be the "form1"
> component. As such, I figured that "#{cc.parent.clientId}" would give me
> "form1", and ":#{cc.parent.clientId}:reload" would produce the absolute id
> ":form1:reload", which should target the outer reload button (leaving aside
> the question of whether this is a good thing to do or not).
> However, when I ran the test case, I hit the following error:
> <f:ajax> contains an unknown id '::reload'
> Okay, that's weird. So this means that "#{cc.parent.clientId}" is not
> resolving to the parent component's client id, but instead to null/empty
> string. Huh.
> After poking around some more, I found my way to the
> com.sun.faces.el.CompositeComponentAttributesELResolver, which provides some
> special handling for certain properties on the "cc" object, including the
> "parent" property:
> if (COMPOSITE_COMPONENT_PARENT_NAME.equals(propertyName)) {
> UIComponent c = (UIComponent) base;
> context.setPropertyResolved(true);
> UIComponent ccParent =
> UIComponent.getCompositeComponentParent(c);
> return ccParent;
> }
> And, of course, UIComponent.getCompositeComponentParent() does not return
> the composite component's parent, but instead returns the nearest ancestor
> composite component. Which, in this particular demo, is... null. Yuck.
> Okay, in retrospect, rather than re-defining the meaning of "parent" here,
> we should have introduced a new derived property, eg. "compositeParent", or
> something along those lines. (Unfortunately the current behavior is defined
> by the spec - section, so too late to do anything about this for
> 2.0.)
> I thought I might be able to work around this by avoiding the reference to
> the "cc" implicit object - ie. thought I might be able to get this to work
> by using the "component" implicit object instead of the "cc" object, eg:
> ":#{component.parent.parent.clientId}:reload". But I ended up running into
> the same problem.
> So, David - it is possible that you are running into this as well.
I believe so.
> It's kind of tough to tell with the auto-generated ids in your content.
> Any chance you could add explicit ids to the naming containers in your
> sample just to make it easier to understand the client ids that are being
> rendered?
Okay, sure.
> On a positive note, I was able to manually pass in the reload button id to
> the composite component without any problems. To do this, I added the
> following to the composite:interface:
> <cc:attribute name="reloadId"/>
> And the following to the composite:implementation:
> <f:ajax execute="@this list1" render="list1 list2
> #{cc.attrs.reloadId}"/>
> And then updated the main page to specify the new attribute:
> <ez:switchlist id="switchlist" reloadId=":form1:reload"/>
> This worked without any problems.
> David - since I think we all agree that this is the preferred approach, and
> since there doesn't seem to be any way to get at a composite component's
> actual parent (unless I am missing something), this seems like the right way
> to go for your J1 demo. If you continue to have problems with this
> approach, maybe cc me when you send Ryan your war. Don't know how much time
> I'll have to take a look, but I am definitely curious.
I agree that it's the preferred approach, however, interestingly enough, I
cannot get it to work. I think I'm doing essentially the same thing that
you are doing above. Hmmmm.
I already sent Ryan a war, but I've added explicit ids to all my containers,
so I will send him an updated war and cc you.
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it.
> Andy
> David Geary wrote On 5/25/2009 1:36 PM ET:
> 2009/5/24 Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll at sun.com>
> On 5/24/09 8:39 PM, David Geary wrote:
> And that id is *exactly* what <f:ajax> says it cannot find. It's in the
> page, but <f:ajax> cannot find it?!?
> My guess is that <f:ajax> is evaluating the id before the page is
> completely constructed, and therefore, it doesn't find it, but that's
> just a WAG on my part.
> So, if this is not correct:
> <f:ajax render="#{cc.parent.clientId}:image"/>
> Then how do I access the image in the parent (map) component?
> It seems to me that I'm using <f:ajax> correctly, but I'd be happy to be
> told otherwise.
> It's late, but yes, that looks correct, and yes, your guess sounds
> correct. Could you file this as an impl bug?
> Okay. I'll send a WAR to Ryan, and see if we can get this fixed asap. I'd
> like to get this working for my J1 demo.
> Now, we do need to fix that as a bug, but I must argue that your use case
> represents bad practice. Your component is using ajax inside a component to
> modify the using page. That's difficult to maintain, and I suspect it will
> lead to obfuscated code quite easily. I'd instead argue that if you are
> going to have one component modify another, you should either group them
> into one composite, or, have the ID of the component you act upon passed in
> as an attribute (say "for="?)
> Yup, I concur--too much coupling between parent and child components.
> Unfortunately, I can't seem to pass the component ID to the child component
> either. IOW, this doesn't work:
> In parent component:
> <places:mapZoomControl componentToRender="#{cc.clientId}:image"/>
> And in mapZoomControl.xhtml:
> <composite:attribute name="componentToRender"/>
> ...
> <f:ajax render="#{cc.attrs.componentToRender}"/>
> I suppose it's not surprising that the preceeding doesn't work--it looks
> like a manifestation of the same bug. I'll give Ryan a buzz.
> Thanks,
> david
> Of course, that second usage suggestion opens up another hole in the cc api
> - the lack of ability to do name resolution. Though if/when we get method
> parameters, then cc.findComponent will work, I guess. Though I've been
> saying that for a pretty long time now, I should check on when we're getting
> those method params...
> Jim
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