[jsr-314-open] sendAjaxRequest is not defined?

David Geary clarity.training at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 26 11:18:16 EDT 2009

Sorry, the whole thing was my blunder. It's working fine now.


2009/5/26 Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain at sun.com>

> One thing that is wrong with your example (at least the code snippet below)
> is you need to specify:
> <f:ajax event="keyup".../>   *not*  event="onkeyup" (using logical names).
> Now... looking over the spec - specifically - Section I don't see
> any mention of this.  So, I'm adding it to the errata.
> Not sure how your example is working with "onkeyup".

Sorry, that was a typo.

> when I remove the event attr , I'm not seeing your error.  Is there
> anything more that you have in your page that I'm not
> seeing in your code snippet?  Seems like the "chain" function is getting
> called per your firebug output.
> -roger

> David Geary wrote:
>> I have this:
>> <h:inputText value="#{user.name <http://user.name>}"...>
>>  <f:ajax event="onkeyup" render="echo"/>
>> </h:inputText>
>> ...
>> <h:outputText id="echo" value="#{user.name <http://user.name>}"/>
>> That works fine. As I type in the input, whatever I type is echoed by the
>> output. But if I remove the event attribute, like this:
>> <h:inputText value="#{user.name <http://user.name>}"...>
>>  <f:ajax render="echo"/>
>> </h:inputText>
>> ...
>> <h:outputText id="echo" value="#{user.name <http://user.name>}"/>
>> For the preceeding markup, nothing is echoed as I type, or when I tab out
>> of the field. In fact, the only thing that happens is that I get a JS error
>> that says "sendAjaxRequest is not defined".
>> Is this a bug?
>> I've attached a snapshot of the error in Firebug.
>> Thanks,
>> david
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