[jsr-314-open] Ajax rendering of components among compositions?

Jim Driscoll Jim.Driscoll at SUN.COM
Tue May 26 17:33:33 EDT 2009

On 5/25/09 5:49 AM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
> Jim Driscoll wrote On 5/25/2009 2:23 AM ET:
>> Well, it can't be a div anyway, since that changes the layout from
>> inline to block.
>> I guess we could wrap every single component in a span, but that's
>> quite a bit of extra characters for what is going to be rarely necessary.
> Actually, we cannot do this, since the composite component
> implementation may include block-level content. Nesting this within
> inline content (eg. a <div> nested within a <span>) would result in
> invalid html. The composite component author needs to specify the
> appropriate type of root element for their implementation.

Learn something every day.  Thanks for the correction, Andy.  I was 
confused by "flow" mode.  Just reread the xhtml xsd to get a better feel 
for what's allowed, and all I can say is "ow, my eyes".

>> Still, that said, I think that this requires documentation - but
>> goodness knows that that's not the only part that needs more
>> documentation. And for this, I really do think that a simple statement
>> of best practice would suffice.
> Yeah, I was thinking that same. Though not sure where exactly this
> should be documented in order to increase the chance the our users will
> find this information.

How about the pdl for composite:implementation?  There's almost no docs 
there right now anyway, and and those docs should be beefed up anyhow.

And logically, that would seem to be a good place for it.


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