[jsr-314-open] skip render if PreRenderViewEvent listener flags response as complete
Andy Schwartz
andy.schwartz at ORACLE.COM
Thu May 28 16:13:13 EDT 2009
Dan -
Yep, responseComplete() should definitely short circuit out.
Dan Allen wrote On 5/27/2009 11:53 PM ET:
> Currently the RenderResponsePhase loops on the PreRenderViewEvent
> until the view ID remains unchanged before and after the listeners are
> notified. However, there is no check for whether the response has been
> flagged as complete using FacesContext#responseComplete(). The loop
> should short-circuit and the render step skipped if one of the
> listeners invokes this method (the check would remain in the same
> place, after all listeners are invoked on that pass).
> https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1136
> Essentially, a redirect is just as likely as a view ID change in a
> PreRenderViewEvent listener. This is a critical piece of implementing
> view actions as an extension. Although, there is one workaround. It's
> possible to call UIViewRoot#setRendered(false) to prevent the view
> from being rendered, but that is inconsistent with the standard
> mechanism, which is to call FacesContext#responseComplete().
> -Dan
> --
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> http://mojavelinux.com
> http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
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