[jsr-314-open] Amendment to section 2.2.1 Restore View

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:30:37 EST 2009

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen at gmail.com> wrote:

>> > ** Allows the application to modify the state of any component in the
>> tree
>> > just before the tree state is written out. Does that seem useful?
>> I have never had a use-case for a callback after rendering and before
>> saving the state. Why would that be necessary - a concrete use-case?
>> If I create components dynamically, I make them transient, so they are
>> not save-stated anyways - so no need to modify the state of components
>> before save-stating.
> I'll agree it is an edge case. Originally when I created the secure token
> tag for Seam, I wanted to add markup to the encoded HTML and put the token
> in the tree state. I decided instead to do that work during encoding in a
> component tag. The downside is that I couldn't add the functionality to
> existing pages without modification.

But now with PreRenderViewEvent, I could add the component dynamically and
get the same result. So perhaps this isn't necessary after all.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597

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