[jsr-314-open] New spec issue 659 - MethodExpressionActionListener.processAction() logs and wraps exceptions in AbortProcessingExceptions

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Wed Nov 4 07:57:59 EST 2009

On 4 Nov 2009, at 05:49, Martin Marinschek wrote:

> Hi guys,
> See the issue comment for the new spec issue:
> https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=659
> below. Please let's please fix this rather soon - I have an ugly hack
> in place to work around this.
> ======
> One case we missed when we decided to fix exception-handling for 2.0:
> In MethodExpressionActionListener.processAction(), we first do  
> custom logging of
> an exception, and then rethrow it with:
> throw cause == null ? new AbortProcessingException(thrown.getMessage 
> (),
>                    thrown) : new AbortProcessingException 
> (thrown.getMessage(),
> cause);
> which leads to a silently (for the user - not for the logs if they  
> are switched
> on and available) swallowed exception in the action-listener. I  
> believe the
> whole exception-handling in this method can be made a lot simpler -  
> we need to
> check if the user threw an AbortProcessingException (might also be  
> the cause of
> the ELException) and rethrow that, if not, do nothing - just let the  
> exception
> bubble up to the exception-handler.

Yup, this was the original intention - that any exception used for  
flow control (ugh!) wasn't passed to exception handler.

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