[jsr-314-open] Fwd: [jsr-314-eg] Ajax bugs?
Lincoln Baxter, III
lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 15:52:03 EST 2009
I filed it as an enhancement a long time ago. Ill try to find it if it
Lincoln Baxter III
Keep it simple.
On Nov 17, 2009 3:29 PM, "Jim Driscoll" <Jim.Driscoll at sun.com> wrote:
Sorry be be hard-nosed about this, but...
This isn't really the place to discuss implementation bugs. Rather, if you
have specific concerns about the specification, they should be discussed
here. That would typically imply that you would refer to an area of the
spec when reporting such bugs.
We're going to have to start enforcing this rule vigorously if we open this
list up more to the public, or else we're going to end up getting swamped in
"my component doesn't work" emails, and we'll be unable to get anything else
That said, your mail brings up a few gaps in the specification, though you
don't refer explicitly to the spec.
Spec bug 1: There is no defined way to specify an arbitrary method to be
called server-side on the execution of a jsf.ajax.request function call.
This is an oversight in the spec, and it should be addressed for 2.1. In the
meantime, you can get *almost* equivalent functionality by using a
valueChange listener or an action listener in most cases.
I've filed spec bug 672 to track this issue. This isn't the first time it's
come up, but no one bothered to file it last time, apparently - I thought
they had.
The workaround you tried, adding the listener then calling the request
manually, is just that, a workaround, that had never (that I know of) been
tried before we released - so it's not surprising to me that it ran into
trouble of various sorts. The behavior you found is probably a bug (but
possibly not, I'll have to code trace and look at the spec to be sure),
please file it against the implementation, and I'll take a look when I have
time. Setting the javax.faces.behavior.event parameter to action should
happen automatically for buttons - but that's an implementation specific
detail at this point - it's not in the spec. And as such, you *really*
shouldn't be talking about it in a book about standard JSF practice.
I'd much rather you encourage end users to use action listeners and
valuechange listeners, for which I have a number of demos. The
functionality is roughly equivalent, though they'll still function if
JavaScript is also disabled in the page - which I'd regard as a feature,
rather than a drawback (and which is why it's probably better practice to do
it that way for most uses).
Where this turns a little silly, of course, is in the case that you're
trying - a disconnected request that attempts to run an arbitrary method.
But even that has a simple (if inelegant) workaround - a hidden button.
I wrote a demo that does poll, and is in the Mojarra samples - did you look
at it? It uses that hidden button mechanism to get around the same problem
you're encountering. It doesn't cancel, but that's trivial to add.
Doing it your proposed way, by registering an ajax listener, is also fraught
for another reason that I don't think you've yet considered: event names.
The javax.faces.behavior.event parameter is not part of the spec. So, if
you want to trigger it for something besides "action", you can't. Even when
(if) I do fix the above bug.
And, as I said, allowing arbitrary method calls from jsf.ajax.request is
something that really should be in 2.1. And it will probably mean setting
the "unintuitive" javax.faces.behavior.event parameter, unless someone can
come up with a more elegant way. Hopefully, someone will.
Your second reported bug is almost certainly an implementation bug. Please
file it - as I said, this isn't the place to discuss implementation bugs.
We often discuss implementation bugs on webtier at glassfish.dev.java.net, if
you'd like to subscribe. I'm running a little behind on there (we're doing
a release right now), but we have a pretty good answer rate.
Again, I'm sorry to come off as not caring about this - I care very much
about every bug we find. But I know from past experience that if we let the
discussion deviate from the charter of this list, It Won't End Well.
P.S. Ken - the suggestion to cancel an in process request is one that I
used to favor as well, but that brings up data integrity and consistency
issues that are better handled server side. So I'm now reluctantly against
allowing that (at least the simple case - though canceling a request that
hasn't yet begun would be something that I'd like to support). But still,
if you would like to see this in 2.1, please file a spec feature request.
On 11/17/09 8:21 AM, David Geary wrote:
> > > I meant to send this to the open mailing list in the first place, so
> I'm > forwarding my origina...
> > From: *Ken Paulsen* <Ken.Paulsen at sun.com <mailto:Ken.Paulsen at sun.com>> >
> Date: 2009/11/16 > Subjec...
> > To: jsr-314-eg at jcp.org <mailto:jsr-314-eg at jcp.org> > Cc: Cay Horstmann <
> cay at horstmann.com <mailto:...
>> >> >> Sorry for the long email, but it should be easy to grok. >> >> I'm
>> trying to get a simple Ajax...
>> jsf.ajax.request(component.id <http://component.id>,
>> >> event, { render: renderComponents } ) >> } >> var
>> timer = window.setInterv...
> > > I ran into the same issue when trying to do something similar recently.
> > This should make what ...
> execute: component.id <http://component.id>;
> render: renderComponents;
> }
> props[component.id <http://component.id>] = component.id
> <http://component.id>;
> > var pollFunction = function poll() { >
> jsf.ajax.request(component, event, pro...
> I am not sure if the component.id <http://component.id> = component.id
> <http://component.id> in "props" is necessary, it is for the button
> > component that I am using and I haven't spent the time to find out why >
> or if it is also needed ...
> 'component.id <http://component.id>' for the src argument since the
> > implementation just searches for 'component' again if you don't pass it >
> in directly. > > One th...
> to component.id <http://component.id> (and component.name
> <http://component.name> for some reason). So it should work as you
> > expect... perhaps I worked around this bug when I shouldn't have had >
> to... I'm confused now. :)...
>> >> >> After rummaging around in the RI code, I found that I could get >>
>> mojarra to call the Ajax li...
>> jsf.ajax.request(component.id <http://component.id>,
>> >> event, { render: renderComponents, 'javax.faces.behavior.event': >>
>> 'action' } ) >> >> Ugh. That...
> > > I ran into this also. However, if you think about it... this one makes
> > sense. You tell it to...
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