[jsr-314-open] Coercion in the EL

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 17:04:03 EDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:49 AM, Martin Marinschek
<mmarinschek at apache.org>wrote:

> >> Right, I agree with you. I'm saying that this is silly behavior.
> >> Either it should leave null alone or choose to convert it only *if*
> >> the expected-type is a primitive (in this case a primitive boolean).
> >
> > +1
> I can certainly do so - however, I don't think that I will get any
> response amounting to this being fixed.
> Do you guys think we should fix this in the JSF implementations, by
> passing in java.lang.Object to the underlying EL expression, and doing
> the coercion ourselves? We - most of the time - wrap the
> value-expression in a Facelets TagValueExpression anyways, so we could
> certainly do this! If the RI team agrees, I can certainly give word
> out to the MyFaces team discussing if that is reasonable to us as
> well.

I think it would be more reasonable to try to handle this ourselves. As you
mentioned, there is already a layer in between, so it's not like this is a
one off solution. To be honest, I'm on the fence, but I also want to get rid
of annoyances sooner rather than later and that makes me lean towards a fix
in JSF.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597

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