[jsr-314-open] <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat

Ken Paulsen Ken.Paulsen at Sun.COM
Fri Sep 4 15:40:40 EDT 2009

Hi Andy,

In JSFT I leveraged the ValueChange, Action, etc. events to fire off 
this type of event / eventlistener model.  I then never used the legacy 
ones directly b/c the unified way of defining and handling all events 
was much simpler.  So I guess my opinion is to register listeners for 
any type of event in a generic way; legacy (hard-coded) events can 
delegate to the generic event system for their impl.  I would prefer not 
to see many more new tags for the purpose of defining new events... they 
all basically do the same thing w/ a different event name.

But, I'll be happy regardless of what happens. :)

Thanks everyone that has been contributing to JSF while I have been 
bogged down for the last several months w/ less fun stuff (except for my 
vacation to Peru... that was fun). :)  I'm trying to be more active now....



Andy Schwartz wrote:
> Hi Ken -
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> This comment may be way too late... but I would rather have seen (and 
>> thought I did see) us go in the direction:
>>     <f:event type="valueChange" action="#{...}" />
> I do remember some discussion of providing component system events for 
> events that are currently handled via FacesEvents (valueChange, 
> action), but I guess we never reached a resolution on this.  If we 
> were to add such system events, are you thinking that these should 
> replace the existing FacesEvents (ValueChangeEvent, ActionEvent)?  Or 
> would the new system events simply complement the corresponding 
> FacesEvents?
> Andy
>> This reduces tag explosion, is easy to extend, and makes it simple 
>> for add-on frameworks to leverage an event model (vs. lots of 1-off 
>> tags for different tasks).
>> If this is indeed way too late, or I'm misinterpreting this... please 
>> disregard. ;)
>> Cheers!
>> Ken
>> Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>>> FYI -- a sneak peek. This is working -- with seam el in this 
>>> example, of course.
>>> Comment now "or forever hold your peace unless it needs to be 
>>> changed"   ;)
>>> <a:editText value="#{viewProjectBean.project.vision}" 
>>> rendered="#{authorizationBean.isOwner}" >
>>>     *<f:valueChangeListener for="value" 
>>> action="#{viewProjectBean.test('foo')}" />*
>>>     <f:actionListener for="submit" 
>>> binding="#{viewProjectBean.projectChangeListener}" />
>>>     <f:converter for="output" converterId="webLinkConverter"/>
>>> </a:editText>
>>> --Lincoln
>>> -- 
>>> *Lincoln Baxter, III*
>>> Co-Founder of OcpSoft <http://ocpsoft.com>
>>> Author of PrettyFaces <http://ocpsoft.com/prettyfaces> URL Rewriting 
>>> for JSF

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