[jsr-314-open] DRY and form with JSF 2

Damien Gouyette damien.gouyette at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 09:24:33 EDT 2009


I have a lot of forms to do and i don't understand a point

<h:outputLabel value="client's birthdate" for="birthDateField"/>

<h:inputText id="birthDateField" label="client's birthdate"/>

<h:message for="birthDateField"/>

if i don't set label on inputText, i have an error message like :

formNew:birthDate: 'a' could not be understood as a date. Example:  
12/09/2009 instead of

client's birthdate : 'a' could not be understood as a date. Example:  

Can you reuse outputLabel value if exists ?

Just for information, this message is the french error message when i  
set a dateConverter on my inputText. (little bug)


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