[jsr-314-open] Autoupdate / always render

Roger Kitain Roger.Kitain at Sun.COM
Mon Sep 14 10:37:42 EDT 2009

We probably didn't get to it because we were trying to nail the 
underlying framework
and its areas of standardization (that will hopefully promote component
interoperability - yes I'm still hopeful   ;-) ).
I suspect there will be other "nice to haves" that can be added in 2.1.
Maybe other folks from the Ajax sub group or EG have some additional 


Jim Driscoll wrote:
> So, I got a chance to discover more about RichFaces today, attending a 
> tutorial by Max Katz.
> Autoupdate can also be thought of as "always render" - it's the 
> process of marking out certain id's to always be rendered on any ajax 
> request.
> I can now say that, no, we don't support autoupdate functionality - 
> while a page author doesn't really need this functionality, it's 
> possible to imagine a use case for it as a component library author - 
> and in that case, while there's hacky things you can do to almost get 
> there, it won't really be possible with the existing APIs.
> Since in an earlier message, I said that I wasn't aware of anything in 
> particular that couldn't be done with the API, well, here's one use case.
> Adding such an API would be pretty easy:
> void jsf.ajax.addAlwaysRender(String id)
> I'll file a spec RFE for this (there seems to not be one!), but I was 
> wondering:
> What's the context/history behind this not being included in JSF 2.0? 
> Can anyone elaborate?
> Jim
> P.S. Filed bug 629 on this topic.

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