[jsr-314-open] composite:insertFacet target facet name

Lincoln Baxter, III lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 18:59:35 EDT 2009


As long as we can have multiple <ui:insert> like tags... the only
problem with <ui:insert> in Facelets was that there was no way to divide
inserted tags and deliver them to different parents within the


On Thu, 2009-09-24 at 18:55 -0400, Andy Schwartz wrote:

> Gang -
> I have been spending a lot of time thinking about this topic and reading 
> the doc/looking at the source code.  I can now say that I definitely 
> understand the difference between composite:insertFacet and 
> composite:renderFacet. :-)  However, I am still confused about why we 
> decided to go with two separate tags and wanted to share my thoughts.
> FWIW, I realize that it is like a year late to be bringing this up, but 
> thought it was important to discuss even if our options are limited at 
> this point.
> Let's start by taking a look at composite:insertFacet:
> <composite:implementation>
>    <h:panelGrid>
>      <composite:insertFacet name="caption"/>
>    </h:panelGrid>
> </composite:implementation>
> In the above case, the component specified for the "caption" facet ends 
> up in the facet map of the h:panelGrid component.  This has certain 
> implications - eg. the component's parent property will point to the 
> h:panelGrid instead of the composite component.  If we happen to insert 
> the facet into a NamingContainer, the client id will reflect this.
> Currently we provide no way to insert a composite component's facet into 
> one of the composite's implementation components as a plain old 
> (non-facet) child.  So, if instead of inserting the "caption" facet as a 
> facet on an h:panelGrid, I wanted to insert it as a (non-facet) child of 
> an h:panelGroup, eg:
> <composite:implementation>
>    <h:panelGroup>
>      <!-- Insert the facet as a direct child here -->
>    </h:panelGroup>
> </composite:implementation>
> I cannot do that.  Or, at least, I cannot do that with the same 
> semantics as <composite:insertFacet>, where the component specified via 
> the facet ends up as a child of the containing component (the h:panelGroup).
> I can, however, use composite:renderFacet:
> <composite:implementation>
>    <h:panelGroup>
>     <composite:renderFacet name="caption"/>
>    </h:panelGroup>
> </composite:implementation>
> This will cause the facet to be rendered as a child of the h:panelGroup, 
> but without being a child of the h:panelGroup.
> This raises a number of questions.  Why do we re-parent the facet 
> component when we want the component to be used by the parent component 
> as a facet, but not when we want the component to be used by the parent 
> as a direct child?  Is there a reason why we need to treat the direct 
> child case differently (not re-parent) than the facet case (re-parent)?  
> Is there some benefit to having subtly different behavior between these 
> two cases?
> My feeling is that the good old Facelets ui:insert tag got this right.  
> Facelets uses a single tag to handle insertion of ui:define'd components 
> into the template, regardless of whether the components are being 
> inserted as facets or directly children.  So, for example, assuming I've 
> got a template that allows insertion of a "foo" component, I can do 
> either this:
> <h:panelGrid>
>   <f:facet name="caption">
>     <!-- Insert the "foo" component into the "caption" facet -->
>     <ui:insert name="foo"/>
>   </f:facet>
> </h:panelGrid>
> Or this:
> <h:panelGroup>
>   <!-- Insert the "foo" component as a non-facet child -->
>   <ui:insert name="foo"/>
> </h:panelGroup>
> While the first case inserts the component as a facet and the second as 
> a direct child, both have the same semantics - ie. in both cases the 
> component that is being inserted ends up as a child of the parent 
> component that the child is being inserted into.
> Actually, Facelets provides an API that is specifically designed to 
> handle this type of insertion: TemplateClient.  The TemplateClient API 
> allows for clean/efficient insertion of included content into 
> templates.  I believe that ui:define/ui:insert use this to insert 
> included content directly into the target location, avoiding the need to 
> re-locate the included components from one parent to another.  This has 
> benefits when re-applying tags over a restored component tree, since 
> there is no need to repeatedly re-create (or re-locate) these components.
> After thinking this through, one other question that I am left with is: 
> Is there a reason why we did not follow the ui:insert approach?
> Yes, I realize that this is a moot point now, and no reason to dwell on 
> this, but I am still curious as to whether there were 
> limitations/problems with the ui:insert mechanism that prevented us from 
> following this precedent.
> If we had the ability to revisit the design now, my preferred solution 
> would be to:
> 1. Deprecate/remove composite:renderFacet.
> 2. Re-spec composite:insertFacet to match the behavior of ui:insert.
> I prefer this approach because I feel that we should share a single 
> insertion behavior across all of these use cases.  The fact that we have 
> 3 subtly different mechanisms is, well... bad.  I also think that the 
> ui:insert approach has already been proven, which is in part why I favor 
> that approach.
> Of course, I don't imagine that we have the ability to make this change 
> given that the JSF 2.0 spec has been final for some time now, and this 
> would be a significant change.
> I suppose my second choice would be to deprecate both 
> composite:renderFacet/composite:insertFacet in JSF 2.1 and replace both 
> of these with a new composite:insert tag that matches ui:insert behavior.
> Getting back to our original problem of not having control over the 
> "target" facet name:
> > If the spec does not yet provide a solution for this, I think that we 
> > could/should solve this in one of two ways:
> >
> > 1. Add an attribute to composite:insertFacet that allows a target 
> > facet name to be specified:
> >
> >  <h:panelGrid>
> >    <composite:insertFacet name="backupCaption" targetName="caption"/>
> >  </h:panelGrid>
> >
> > 2. Specify that the target facet name can be picked up from a wrapping 
> > <f:facet> tag:
> >
> >  <h:panelGrid>
> >    <f:facet name="caption">
> >      <composite:insertFacet name="backupCaption"/>
> >    </f:facet>
> >  </h:panelGrid>
> I still prefer #1 as this is closer to ui:insert behavior, but given 
> that I have more fundamental reservations about 
> composite:insertFacet/composite:renderFacet, I don't feel especially 
> strongly about forcing #1 if people prefer #2.
> Andy
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
> >
> > When / where should this discussion take place?  Do we want to have a 
> > call for this?
> >
> > In addition to this issue, Alexander raised the issue that 
> > f:insertFacet and f:renderFacet are confusing.  Not sure if there's 
> > anything we can do resolve this at this point, but minimally, it would 
> > be worth ensuring the EG members understand the difference (which IMO, 
> > is huge).  In hindsight, f:insertFacet probably should have been 
> > f:attachFacet, and of course had an optional "target" attribute for 
> > Andy's case.
> >
> > Ken
> >
> > Andy Schwartz wrote:
> >> Thanks Ed -
> >>
> >> Ed Burns wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I happen to prefer #1, but everyone else favors #2, we'll go with #2.
> >>>   
> >>
> >> Seems like some people prefer #2 as well, so perhaps this needs more 
> >> discussion.
> >>
> >>> Andy, can you please file a spec issue and share the number with the
> >>> group?  Once you have it, I'll add an entry in the changelog wiki.
> >>>
> >>>   
> >>
> >> Sorry for taking so long to follow up on this.  I have logged the 
> >> following spec issue:
> >>
> >> https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=631 
> >>
> >>
> >> Andy
> >>
> >>

Lincoln Baxter, III
Co-Founder of OcpSoft

Creator of:
PrettyFaces: URL rewriting for JSF
PrettyTime: Java elapsed timestamp formatting

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