[jsr-314-open] Handling of "" vs null action outcomes

Ed Burns Ed.Burns at Sun.COM
Tue Feb 16 08:51:54 EST 2010

>>>>> On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 15:54:06 -0600, Jason Lee <jason at steeplesoft.com> said:

JL> On 2/15/10 3:49 PM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
>> FWIW, my feeling is that, while returning null is a reasonable 
>> workaround, there is no way that our unit test is not the only code 
>> out there that is returning empty action outcomes and expecting to 
>> stay on the same page. I would like to see this behavior preserved not 
>> so that we can revert our unit test to its previous behavior (I am 
>> fine with our fix), but because the current behavior may break other 
>> users as they upgrade to JSF2.
>> Thoughts?
JL> I know in the apps I've worked on whether I return an empty String or 
JL> null depends on the mood I'm in. :)  I think we should clarify the spec 
JL> to preserve the 1.2 behavior.

I agree completely.

I have added this to the changelog and am implementing it presently.
It's issue C063 in the Changelog.


| ed.burns at sun.com  | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
| homepage:         | http://ridingthecrest.com/

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