[jsr-314-open] [Behavior] Why is HtmlOutputText not a ClientBehaviorHolder ?

Lincoln Baxter, III lincolnbaxter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 10:45:10 EST 2010

Got it. I had guessed panelgroup would fill that role, but I didn't want to
influence the answer ;)

I don't see this as a gap if panelgroup implements clientbehaviorholder, but
for convenience, and consistency, I'd argue we should add this to

If performance is a concern (say, because of inline text being wrapped into
output text components on view construction), then the jsf impl should be
free to use a lightweight impl-specific component instead.

What are your performance concerns, if I have not inferred correctly?

Lincoln Baxter III
Keep it simple.

On Jan 12, 2010 10:21 AM, "Matthias Wessendorf" <matzew at apache.org> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com>
wrote: > Hey Lincoln - > >...
I think that using h:panelGrid is not perfect, but it is better than
abusing <label>.


> > Andy > >> >> The next question is: Do we need such a mechanism? That's,
for the most >> part, t...

-- Matthias Wessendorf blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/sessions:
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