[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] Plugin architecture

Jason Lee jason at steeplesoft.com
Fri Jul 2 12:54:42 EDT 2010

On 7/2/10 11:21 AM, Kito Mann wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> For a while now I have been wanting Grails-style plugins for JSF. 
> Maybe the best option is to start an open-source project and a 
> repository (based on Maven, perhaps). Any thoughts on how we can 
> facilitate this? Maybe
I've actually been tinkering on something like this as part of side 
project of mine.  Currently, I'm using a ClassLoader approach that, at 
run time, loads JARs from $PLUGIN_DIR and stuffs them in the 
ClassLoader.  It currently supports ManagedBeans, Convertors and 
Validators.  I haven't added support for Components yet, nor have I 
decided how best (if it all) to support mark up snippets in the plugin.  
As a PoC, it seems to work pretty well so far, but, due to the demands 
of GF development, my side projects have been starved of late. :|


For what it's worth. :)

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle

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