[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] UIViewRoot.getComponentResources() documentation does not match with the implementation

Leonardo Uribe lu4242 at gmail.com
Thu May 13 23:14:57 EDT 2010


I created an issue for this one:



Leonardo Uribe

2010/5/5 Edward Burns <edward.burns at oracle.com>

> On 5/5/10 6:14 , Martin Marinschek wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I think someone needs to pay a lot of attention to Leonardo's issues
>> with JavaDoc/Spec changes and omissions - for building a second
>> implementation which derives from the same document, he _needs_ to
>> have as concise a spec as possible.
> Ok, I will.  I'm finishing up on some performance work on Mojarra now and
> should have more time for EG work.
> Ed
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