[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] 490-XmlViews Processing JSPX files as Facelets

Leonardo Uribe lu4242 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 01:02:01 EDT 2010


On this issue:


I attached a minimal patch to solve ResourceResolver problem. The idea is
method called:

public boolean existsViewId(FacesContext context, String viewId)

and add the method
ViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguageFromRawViewId(FacesContext, String)
to resolve the ambiguity on ViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage.



2010/10/12 Leonardo Uribe <lu4242 at gmail.com>

> Hi
> These are the answers to the questions asked (answer inside the mail
> sent could make things more confusing):
> FIRST PROBLEM: Fix Resource Resolver
>     AS >> In what way (the ResourceResolver) does not work?
>     AS >> It this is broken, it definitely needs to be fixed.
>     AS >> We need more details on exactly what behavior is broken.
>     The problem happen only when suffix mapping is used. In few words,
>     When this mapping is used, it is required to check if a
>     physical resource exists, usually calling ExternalContext.getResource.
>     Since the algorithm described on the spec does not take into
>     account ResourceResolver, a http 404 not found response is sent back.
>     (The reference that needs to be fixed on the spec is JSF 2.0
>     section 7.5.2 Default ViewHandler Implementation, when it describe
>     the requeriments of ViewHandler.deriveViewId.)
>     AS >> What is the issue # for this problem?
>     AS >> Is this a Mojarra issue?  MyFaces?  Spec?  All of the above?
>     The issue in MyFaces is this one:
>     https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-2628
>     It was first mentioned on this mailing list under the topic:
>     [jsr-314-open] javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver cannot be
> fully overriden
>     Then it was added some comments on this spec issue:
> https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=781
>     It was also found this issue on Mojarra
>     https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1567
>     Maybe we should create an independent issue for this one on the spec
> issue tracker
>     AS >> We are using it (ResourceResolver) here.  Now I am getting
> worried that
>     AS >> maybe our code is broken. :-)  Though Jason also blogged on this
> topic here:
>     AS >> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com/2010/05/putting-facelets-in-a-jar/
>     AS >> Which makes me think that this must be minimally working.
>     I think you are using ResourceResolver with applications that uses
> prefix
>     mapping. The hack on the blog works but by accident. Try the same
> example,
>     but without configure ResourceResolver and it will work, because we are
>     overriding ExternalContext.getResource, which it is used to check if a
> resource
>     exists or not.
>     The proposal at first view, to solve this one is add a method on
>     ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory called existsViewId(), so the algorithm
> on
>     ViewHandler.deriveViewId just delegate to this one and that one
> delegate to
>     different ViewDeclarationLanguage implementations. But it seems better
> to move all
>     logic from section 7.5.2 ViewHandler.deriveViewId. Here I have to
> mention something
>     I said on this discussion:
>     [jsr-314-open] Should the ViewDeclarationLanguage be responsible to
> indicate if a
>     viewId can be created?
>         On mojarra, this is the code on
> MultiViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage:
>         public ViewDeclarationLanguage
> getViewDeclarationLanguage(FacesContext context,
>                                                                   String
> viewId) {
>             String actualViewId = derivePhysicalViewId(context, viewId,
> false);
>             return vdlFactory.getViewDeclarationLanguage(actualViewId);
>         }
>         Now on myfaces is this:
>         @Override
>         public ViewDeclarationLanguage getViewDeclarationLanguage(
>                 FacesContext context, String viewId)
>         {
>             // return a suitable ViewDeclarationLanguage implementation for
> the given viewId
>             return _vdlFactory.getViewDeclarationLanguage(viewId);
>         }
>         The difference is subtle, but very, very important. This method is
> called from many
>         locations, but only once (from RestoreViewPhase) it is passed the
> "raw" viewId.
>         To "derive" the physical viewId it is required to know if prefix or
> suffix mapping is
>         used and if suffix mapping is used, try to check if a view
> "resource" exists or not
>         with different derived ids with the extensions configured ".xhtml
> .jsp".
>     In this case, MyFaces "derive" the physical viewId before call
> getViewDeclarationLanguage
>     from RestoreViewPhase. In theory, we should call from RestoreViewPhase
> algorithm a method
>     exposed by ViewHandler. I'm not have clear the details yet.
> SECOND PROBLEM: Fix suffix definition for vdls
>     AS >> This seems like a good thing to do.  Are you thinking that we'll
> add a new
>     AS >> hook on ViewDeclarationLanguage that allows the VDL
> implementation to decide
>     AS >> whether or not it can handle a particular view id?
>     In theory, both myfaces and mojarra has already that, but it is left as
> an implementation
>     detail. Take a look at ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory implementation
> and you'll see
>     some code to decide which VDL should handle the viewId identified (note
> handle a viewId
>     is different to check if the viewId exists, which it is required for
> the first one).
>     AS >> Do we have a spec issue logged for this topic?
>     Not yet. The intention is create one based on all previous discussion.
> THIRD PROBLEM: Fix specific suffix handling for facelets vdl
>     BS>>>>>> In the JAR case, it doesn't care about the VDL at all, it is
> simply
>     BS>>>>>> loading the requested resources out of the JAR regardless of
> extension.
>     LU>>>>So, what's the point about have this configuration on a JAR, if
> there will be no
>     LU>>>>resources using such extensions inside it?. If all resources used
> by facelets are
>     LU>>>>inside the WAR or in the webapp directory, shouldn't that param
> be configured on
>     LU>>>>web.xml or only in faces config application resource
> (WEB-INF/faces-config.xml).
>     LU>>>>It's more, if I have the xml configuration proposed on JAR
> META-INF/faces-config.xml,
>     LU>>>>what someone could expect is the configuration applies to case 1
> (composite
>     LU>>>>component resource files), and not globally, which it is the
> intention.
>     AS>>I don't completely follow this.  Could you explain?
>     The proposal "as is" has a problem. It we have the configuration on a
> JAR, the way the
>     mappings are written does not suggest which resources applies to it, or
> in other words,
>     it is not clear if the resources found outside the JAR are also
> affected or not.
>     As I said before, a JAR file could contain resources that could be used
> by facelets
>     in two situations:
>     1. On META-INF/resources/[localePrefix/][libraryName/]resourceName as a
> composite
>        component resource file.
>     2. On any directory but it should be created a class that implements
>        javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver, so it can get the
> resource properly.
>     If I put that configuration on a JAR, my first thought is this
> configuration only applies to
>     the resources inside the JAR. Since ResourceResolver is affected by
> "global mappings", this rule
>     should only applies to composite component definitions and related
> facelets, right?.
>     But the intention is affect the "global mapping", since the resources
> will be loaded through
>     ResourceResolver (I don't know your particular use case, so I'm
> supposing here). It this
>     is true, it has sense to put it on a JAR, but that condition must be
> made explicit, using
>     a more "suggestive" name and it should be possible to define a custom
> ResourceResolver
>     from faces-config file, otherwise it will not be possible to wrap more
> than 2 instances
>     (the default and the one from the web config param).
>     LU >>>> All three issues are related. All of them should be solved.
> Delaying these issues
>     LU >>>> with partial hacks only makes things worst and even harder to
> understand.
>     AS >> I agree that all three issues should be solved.  FWIW, I think
> that #3 can be
>     AS >> solved independently of #1 and #2.  I don't quite see why these
> issues should
>     AS >> be tightly coupled.  I also don't think that the proposal to fix
> #3 is a hack,
>     AS >> but if others think that it is, we of course need to resolve
> these concerns.
>     From my point of view, this one is a particular case of the second one.
> Why? because if you
>     add this on faces-config.xml:
>      <faces-config-extension>
>        <facelets-processing>
>          <file-extension>.jspx</file-extension>
>          <process-as>jspx</process-as>
>        </facelets-processing>
>        <facelets-processing>
>          <file-extension>.view.xml</file-extension>
>          <process-as>xml</process-as>
>        </facelets-processing>
>      </faces-config-extension>
>     You are not only saying "... process this suffix in mode ....", you
> also are implicitly
>     mapping the suffix to facelets VDL. The mode is just a configuration
> property that
>     the VDL must take into account to process a viewId with this suffix.
> Why don't do
>     something like this (maybe you can find better names for the xml):
>      <faces-config-extension>
>        <vdl-configuration>
>          <vdl-id>facelets</vdl-id>
>          <vdl-class>xxx.yyy.zzz.MyCustomFaceletsVDLWrapper</vdl-class>
>          <vdl-global-resource-mapping>
>             <file-extension>.jspx</file-extension>
>             <vdl-resource-mapping-config> <!-- Saved on key/value map or
> something like that -->
>                 <process-as>jspx</process-as>
>             </vdl-resource-mapping-config>
>          </vdl-global-resource-mapping>
>          <vdl-global-resource-mapping>
>             <file-extension>.view.xml</file-extension>
>             <vdl-resource-mapping-config> <!-- Saved on key/value map or
> something like that -->
>                 <process-as>xml</process-as>
>             </vdl-resource-mapping-config>
>          </vdl-global-resource-mapping>
>        </vdl-configuration>
>      </faces-config-extension>
>     It is almost the same as we have before but with the following
> differences:
>     1. Every VDL has an id (like with RenderKit)
>     2. There is an option to provide custom properties, that allow pass the
> "mode".
>     3. <vdl-global-resource-mapping> tag says "... all resources that match
> this mapping
>        in the webapp will be processed by this VDL using these
> configuration params  ..."
>     4. (Optional) Allow to provide a wrapper for a VDL implementation,
> allowing to extend
>        it (maybe useful for gracelets????).
> Did you see the relationship between all three problems?
> - All of them require changes on
> ViewDeclarationLanguage/ViewDeclarationLanguageFactory.
> - Problem (1) is enough simple to solve, because it just require some code
> relocation that already exists,
>   but it is necessary to update the spec.
> - Problem (2) is the general case of (3), so we just need to change the
> current patch a little bit.
> - To make (3) and use it as expected we need (1) fixed.
> I'm willing to contribute with this issue doing some code if necessary
> (I'll try it to see how
> far I can go).
> Suggestions are welcome.
> best regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
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