[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] [490-XmlViews] Chapter 11: The JSF XML View Syntax

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at oracle.com
Wed Oct 27 13:59:05 EDT 2010

> On 10/27/10 9:37 AM, Ed Burns wrote:
>> AS> Does this mean that we will not render any doctype for XML-style 
>> views?
>> The initial requirements for what passes through and what does not,
>> which went into Appendix A table 1-1, didn't say anything about DOCTYPE.

Oh, btw, I meant to mention... The initial patch that Max provided to 
demonstrate this functionality handled all constructs that Facelets 
considers to be "instructions" generically in 

>     public void writeInstruction(String value) {
>         if (this.compiler.isTrimmingXMLInstructions())
>             return;

This approach covers the doctype case as well.  I notice that Mojarra 
ended up going with a different approach that selectively handles 
specific types of instructions.  Perhaps the generic approach might be a 
better way to go.


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