[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] [490-XmlViews][893-ViewDeclarationLanguage] REOPENED

Ed Burns edward.burns at oracle.com
Thu Oct 28 14:35:32 EDT 2010

EB> Leonardo, In your opinion, do we need to make any changes to
EB> NavigationHandler so that the new ViewDeclarationLanguage.viewExists()
EB> method is consulted?  I would expect this might need to be done.

AS> Oh, woops - yep.  ConfigurableNavigationHandler implementations
AS> should use VDL.viewExists() instead of ExternalContext.getResource()
AS> to test for view existence when determining whether implicit
AS> navigation is possible.  Actually, any place where we were using
AS> ExternalContext.getResource() to check for a physical view needs to
AS> go through VDL.viewExists() now.  I believe that
AS> ViewHandler.deriveViewId() and implicit navigation are the only 2
AS> places where this comes up, though I will double check that later
AS> today.

OK, I have reopened the issue and will assign it to you.  Please attach
a patch to the issue and send it to dev at javaserverfaces.dev.java.net for
review.  When I review the patch, I'll make the necessary changes to the
spec PDF document.


| edward.burns at oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/
|  9 work days until German Oracle User's Group Conference

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