[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] outputStylesheet generates URLs that can't load url(...) in CSS

Ed Burns edward.burns at oracle.com
Mon Sep 13 17:15:27 EDT 2010

>>>>> On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 16:37:16 +0700, Cay Horstmann <cay.horstmann at gmail.com> said:

CH> CSS files commonly contain url(...) expressions such as
CH> .ui-icon { width: 16px; height: 16px; background-image: url(myicon.png); }

CH> These don't work when the CSS file is loaded with

CH> <h:outputStylesheet library="styles" name="skin.css"/>

CH> This discussion explains the problem:
CH> http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5447194.

CH> It's pretty unsatisfactory that a tag named output*Stylesheet* can't
CH> properly output a style sheet.

CH> One remedy would be for JSF to parse the CSS and rewrite the URLs,
CH> another to have h:outputStylesheet generate a better URL, such as

CH> /context path/javax.faces.resource/styles/skin.css

CH> instead of

CH> /context path/javax.faces.resource/skin.css.xhtml?ln=styles

CH> I realize that the latter would require a spec change in

CH> http://download-llnw.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/faces/application/Resource.html#getRequestPath%28%29

CH> Is this something that is within the scope of JSF 2.0 maintenance? If
CH> not, is there a place to post requests for where the  JSF 2.next
CH> expert group will find it?

I have already specified this in 2.1

The solution is to note that #{} el expressions are evaluated on the way
out when a CSS stylesheet is served up.

Therefore, in the url() syntax you can say something like this:

@import url(#{resource['this:layout.css']});
@import url(#{resource['this:typography.css']});
@import url(#{resource['this:colorAndMedia.css']});

Where "this" is a special keyword that means "the current library".

Or, you can use a literal library name.


Can you please share this with the forum?  The JCP changelog for the 2.1
MR is due out within the week, as shown in my .sig here.


| edward.burns at oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage:               | http://ridingthecrest.com/
|  5 work days until handoff of JSF 2.1 change log to jcp

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