[keycloak-dev] OAuth login page

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Jul 4 10:09:38 EDT 2013

Moving this to keycloak dev list.

On 7/2/2013 11:55 AM, Gabriel Cardoso wrote:
>>> For the login page into the identity broker admin interface, definitely,
>>> we should use UXD recommendation when they exist/make sense. I think it
>>> does in this case.
> Interesting point, I agree with it. Two questions:
> 1) Will we support social login for the login page into the identity broker admin interface? If so, we need to adapt the RCUE solution.

What is RCUE?

> 2) We need a register page for the Identity Broker, right? If so, it would make sense to make it in the Red Hat UI standards.
>>> For the application login page, the one that needs to be tuned by
>>> customers, not so much I think... The flow is different, it's an end
>>> user trying to log into a customer website and he should not be prompted
>>> with a Red Hat branded login screen but something more neutral.
> I guess the solution I proposed meets this requirement for now, it is pretty neutral.
>> Yes, the login and registration pages need to be brandable for the user.  So they can have their own color schemes and logo, etc.  But other than that, as long as the UXD team doesn't suck its a good idea to have company wide UI standards.
> So basically we need to have two login pages and two register pages (one for IdB and another for the customer), is this correct?
> Based on the responses I can keep talking to the UXD team about how to proceed.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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