[keycloak-dev] tooltips started

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Aug 14 12:21:54 EDT 2014

Finally, another thing is that the tooltip box is really narrow too. 
Maybe that is fixable.

On 8/14/2014 11:47 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
> Ugh, let me rephrase last email...
> The problem is that when you put the info icon directly to the right of
> the label, it sometimes appears in the next line by itself depending on
> the length of the label. Extending the column style of the label helps
> in some cases, in others the label can look even more weird when the
> label text is long.
> On 8/14/2014 10:17 AM, Gabriel Cardoso wrote:
>>> I like your proposals for the screen you mention.
>> Cool!
>>> But for other screens I like the tooltip icons to the right of the input
>>> types as it gives a lot of space for the tooltip to appear in.  I'll
>>> switch the icon type.
>> Triggers next to the labels are a PatternFly recommendation: "
>>    * Place triggers for user-activated help text (icons, links, or
>>      buttons) next to field labels and not input fields.
>> Here is the part of the draft that talks about help:
>> https://www.patternfly.org/wikis/patterns/pattern-development/draft-patterns/forms/#copy-help
>>> Should we have a disable tooltips option?
>> I don’t think so. User will just interact with them if he wants to. But
>> place the tooltips in the console and we can evaluate if there is a not
>> for this.
>> Please let me know when you’re done with the tooltips, so I can review
>> the console and make design adjustments :)
>> Gabriel
>>> On 8/13/2014 4:33 PM, Gabriel Cardoso wrote:
>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>> Here is my proposal:
>>>> - Remove the tooltip from the heading and display it as a help text
>>>> below.
>>>> - Place the info icons close to the labels instead of inputs. Use icons
>>>> from font awesome:
>>>> http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icon/info-circle/
>>>> - Use tooltips placed at the top, so the user can still see the input on
>>>> the right.
>>>> I believe you don’t need some tooltips. In this page, for instance,
>>>> available roles and application is pretty obvious (my opinion).
>>>> Patternfly is working on this. Here an excerpt of their draft: "To
>>>> ensure that it remains effective and useful, use help text sparingly in
>>>> your forms. Striving to minimize the amount of help text on your forms
>>>> will push you toward better design solutions. Use help text to explain
>>>> unfamiliar fields (particularly for new or infrequent users) or syntax
>>>> for complex fields. Don’t use help text to compensate for the
>>>> shortcomings of your forms."
>>>> Gabriel
>>>> On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:13 AM, Stan Silvert <ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>> On 8/12/2014 4:32 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>>>> I did it for "Settings, Users, Roles" and their submenus.  Let me know
>>>>>> if you like them.  Going to finish them up tomorrow.
>>>>> This is a big usability improvement!
>>>>> I noticed that among Settings, Users, and Roles, there is still some
>>>>> help text missing.  Assume it's just work in progress?
>>>>> Under Users --> Attributes --> Required User Actions, only half of the ?
>>>>> icon shows up.   The field hides part of it. That made me wonder if the
>>>>> help text was incomplete or hidden.  The only other ? icon on that page
>>>>> is User Enabled.
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>>>> ---
>>>> Gabriel Cardoso
>>>> User Experience Designer @ Red Hat
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>>> --
>>> Bill Burke
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>>> http://bill.burkecentral.com <http://bill.burkecentral.com/>
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>> ---
>> Gabriel Cardoso
>> User Experience Designer @ Red Hat

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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