[keycloak-dev] menu refactor, removed breadcrumbs

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Aug 14 18:01:23 EDT 2014

On 8/14/2014 5:52 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
> On 8/12/2014 11:11 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> Stian mentioned months and months ago that he thought breadcrumbs were
>> redundant.  So...I removed them.
> If it doesn't cause other problems, I'd like to request the
> reinstatement of the bread crumbs.
> I've found that the breadcrumbs are not always redundant.   Any time you
> choose something from a list and then from there you need to use another
> page with a list, you can get lost and need a lot of clicks to get
> back.  I think the only time this is a problem right now is when adding
> a Role to an Application.  But it will likely come up again in the future.
> Let's say I need to add several roles to an application.  I'm in
> Applications --> MyApp --> Roles --> Add Role.
> To add a second role without breadcrumbs, I need to go all the way out
> and do several clicks:
> Click Applications on lefthand menu
> Find my App again in the (possibly long) list
> Click on Roles again
> Click Add
> If I still had breadcrumbs this task would always be two clicks instead
> of four or more.  Also, forcing you to go all the way out to the
> lefthand menu and re-navigate the list seems wrong.

Thanks stan, i'll look into stuff and your role bug.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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