[keycloak-dev] federation commited need feedback

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Thu Jul 24 13:42:58 EDT 2014

On 24.7.2014 17:36, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>> Why would a provider not be tied to a session? IMO there should always be a
>>> > >session.
>>> > >
>> >
>> >It might be expensive to create the provider and/or the provider may
>> >have no concept of a session.  For example, Picketlink PartitionManagers
>> >are not tied to a KeycloakSession
> That's exactly why a ProviderFactory has application scope. Anything that is expensive to create should be stored in the ProviderFactory and reused in Provider instances.
> For example JpaConnectionProviderFactory creates one EntityManagerFactory (which is expensive) and reuses it to create a EntityManager for each JpaConnectionProvider.
IMO we need something like "global" providers or "global" components. 
Right now just ProviderFactories are supposed to be global (application 
scoped) and providers are supposed to be session scoped, but there may 
be usecases for having "global" component, which is itself not 

Usually it's needed when the component itself needs access to 
KeycloakSessionFactory because it needs to perform some long-running 
task, when it manages multiple session/transaction lifecycles. Example 
is export/import (or in the future ChronJob for sync many thousand users 
from LDAP to local store)

Right now what I am doing for export/import is creating session just for 
retrieving ExportProvider or ImportProvider and then particular 
ExportProvider or ImportProvider is starting it's own 
session/transaction lifecycles whenever it needs them - 
. It's kind of a hack IMO...

Maybe we can have concept of multiple transactions per single 
KeycloakSession (for example JPA supports multiple transactions per 
single EntityManager but not sure if it doesn't have performance 
penalties as some objects are cached per EntityManager etc)

Not sure what is best solution for this, but I wonder if we have Spi for 
"global" components, ie. something like this on KeycloakSessionFactory:

<T extends GlobalProvider> T getGlobalProvider(Class<T> clazz);
<T extends GlobalProvider> T getGlobalProvider(Class<T> clazz, String id);

And GlobalProvider itself will have method for injecting 

public interface GlobalProvider {

   public void setKeycloakSessionFactory(KeycloakSessionFactory 
   public void init(Config.Scope config);
   public void close();
   public String getId();



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