[keycloak-dev] Restricting the scope of admin

Bruno Oliveira bruno at abstractj.org
Tue May 27 07:58:05 EDT 2014

Good morning guys, following the requirements of Push server. We on
AeroGear would like to restrict the scope of Admin.

Following the integration samples here:

The downside of remove the admin is that we can't manage our users anymore (correct me if I'm wrong).
This is not a big deal if you add a new user or update the current admin with the appropriate
permissions. The odd thing is: after login I'm immediately kicked out of KC
admin, probably I'm doing something wrong for sure, but I couldn't figure
out yet.

This is the piece of code being tested:

And this is the log file:
https://gist.github.com/abstractj/eb75d6210eb29394d139. It seems like
everything goes well here:
but maybe I'm missing the mgmt configuration?

Thanks in advance.



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